It’s official! Antioquia and Medellín are in charge of part of the Toyo Tunnel works

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Sector 1 section 2 of the <a data-mil=Toyo Tunnel 1″ width=”1920″ height=”1039″ srcset=” 1920w,×162.png 300w,×554.png 1024w,×416.png 768w,×831.png 1536w” sizes=”(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px”/>

The delivery of sector 1 of section 2 of the Toyo Tunnel to the Government of Antioquia and Medellín was made official. Photo: Government of Antioquia

On the morning of this Wednesday, October 25, the modification of Agreement 037 of 2014, with which Invías transfers to the Government of Antioquia and the District of Medellín the execution of the works in sector 1 of section 2 of the Toyo Tunnel and its access roads.

Thus, the governments of Antioquia and Medellín are left with the responsibility of constructing 70 percent of the physical work and 80 percent of the financing. of the New Road to the Sea – Toyo Tunnel.

“It is now a reality for which we fight and insist so much. With this modification, the two territorial entities are legally enabled to complete this very important work,” said the governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón Cardona.

At the same time, he reported that, after signing the agreement, The Government will initiate a competition of merits to choose the audit that will allow the completion of said sector that includes 4.2 kilometers, in which 2.8 km of open-air roads, a 1 km tunnel, a bridge of 170 m, line tunnels 1 and 2, finish the lining of tunnel 4 and its paving, apart from the signage of the entire sector. For this, 330 billion pesos will be needed.

“In this way, Antioquia as a whole reaffirms its commitment to the country’s infrastructure and competitiveness,” added Governor Rendón Cardona.

For his part, the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, highlighted the importance of the signature and, although these works were part of the Nation, The intervention of the department and the city was necessary to complete them, because the National Government did not have the resources for it.

“Today is an important day, because a step is taken in the advancement of the project. The commitment of the Government and the Mayor’s Office, of all Antioquians, to finish “a work that is fundamental for the country, understanding that it was the responsibility of the National Government”said.

They request that they give up the rest of the section

Governor Rendón Cardona, once again, asked the National Government to, as soon as possible, cedan the second sector of this section 2, since it is fundamental for the economic development of the region

“We ask the National Government to give us the second sector, section 2, as quickly as possible; And, we do this, not because we have extra money because the needs are many in the Department and the District, but because we have to finish this effort for the competitiveness of Antioquia and the country —said the departmental leader who clarified that the ideal “It was for the Nation to honor the commitment it had with the work – but we are not going to complain anymore, we already have a solution and we are going to implement it.”

Regarding the financing of the works, he assured that There are an initial 30 billion pesos that will be contributed by the department and will come from the IDEA surpluses. With these resources, the audit will be contracted and, subsequently, they will be invested in the physical works.

The rest of the resources will come from the intention of concurrence of the District of Medellín and, if they are missing, “We are willing to use all our credit capacity to complete them,” indicated the president of Antioquia.

The project

The project Vía al Mar – Toyo Tunnel has a total length of 37.7 km and is divided into two sections. Section 1, in charge of Antioquia and Medellín, has a length of 18.2 km and includes 9.7 km of the Toyo Tunnel, the longest in America, whose progress is 95%. This section required an investment of close to 3 billion pesos.

Section 2, initially the responsibility of the Nation, has a length of 19.5 km, of which, due to lack of resources, 12 km had been prioritized. To date, The progress is 56 percent and its cost is 2 trillion pesos, of which 650 billion pesos are required to complete it.

It is divided into two sectors and sector 1 remains to be built, since the region and Medellín have already been transferred. Sector 2 continues to be under the responsibility of the National Government, but it is expected that it will be transferred to the territorial entities of the region to finally fulfill the dream of having a route to the Sea that connects, in a short time, with the Port. from Urabá.

2024-10-25 17:22:00
#official #Antioquia #Medellín #charge #part #Toyo #Tunnel #works
Interview with Andrés Julián Rendón‌ Cardona, Governor‍ of Antioquia

Editor: Welcome,‍ Governor Rendón. Thank you⁤ for joining‍ us today ⁤to discuss‍ the recent milestone in the Toyo Tunnel project. Can you⁢ elaborate on the significance of the modification of Agreement 037⁢ of 2014?

Governor Rendón: Thank you for having me. The modification ‌we signed is crucial ⁢for⁤ advancing the Toyo Tunnel ⁤project. ​It enables the Government of Antioquia and the District of Medellín to take on a larger role, specifically ‍70% of the physical work and 80% of the financing. This change​ not only affirms our commitment to​ infrastructure development in Antioquia but​ also ensures that we can expedite the‍ completion ‌of this vital work.

Editor: What are the next steps following this agreement, especially regarding the construction and required funding?

Governor ‌Rendón: We will immediately initiate‌ a competition ⁣of merits to choose an⁢ auditing firm to oversee the project’s⁣ completion.​ The current‌ phase includes 4.2 kilometers,‌ which encompasses open-air​ roads, a tunnel, and a bridge. ​We⁤ estimate that we will ⁢need about 330 billion pesos to complete ‌this sector. It’s imperative that we finalize these plans to improve⁣ connectivity and competitiveness⁢ in ​our region.

Editor: There has been mention of the ​National⁣ Government’s involvement in this project. How do you view their role, ‌and what are you requesting ⁤from them moving forward?

Governor​ Rendón: While the National Government‍ initially held ⁤responsibility for these works, their lack of resources has necessitated our intervention. I urge them to expedite the transfer of the⁤ second sector of⁢ section 2 to us as soon as possible. ‍Completing this sector is essential for the economic development‌ of Antioquia and the entire country.

Editor: ‍ Lastly, how do you envision the impact ⁣of the Toyo Tunnel once it’s completed?

Governor Rendón: The Toyo Tunnel is not just an⁢ infrastructure ​project; it’s a catalyst for economic growth⁢ and ‍competitiveness in‍ Antioquia. Once completed, it​ will significantly enhance transportation routes, reduce travel time, and​ foster regional development. This is a key step ⁤in positioning ⁢Antioquia as ⁤a vital link between​ the interior of Colombia and the Caribbean coast.

Editor: Thank you, Governor Rendón, for your insights and ⁣for keeping us informed on this⁢ significant​ development.

Governor ‌Rendón: Thank you‌ for⁤ the opportunity to share our ‌progress!
Editor: Welcome, Governor Rendón. Thank you for joining us today to discuss the recent milestone in the Toyo Tunnel project. Can you elaborate on the significance of the modification of Agreement 037 of 2014?

Governor Rendón: Thank you for having me. The modification we signed is crucial for advancing the Toyo Tunnel project. It enables the Government of Antioquia and the District of Medellín to take on a larger role, specifically 70% of the physical work and 80% of the financing. This change not only affirms our commitment to infrastructure development in Antioquia but also ensures that we can expedite the completion of this vital work.

Editor: What are the next steps following this agreement, especially regarding the construction and required funding?

Governor Rendón: We will immediately initiate a competition of merits to choose an auditing firm to oversee the project’s completion. This sector includes 4.2 kilometers, which comprises 2.8 kilometers of open-air roads, a 1-kilometer tunnel, a 170-meter bridge, and necessary signage. To complete this work, we will need 330 billion pesos.

Editor: You’ve mentioned the financial obligations. Can you clarify how the funding will be structured and where it will come from?

Governor Rendón: Certainly. Initially, 30 billion pesos will be contributed by the department, derived from IDEA surpluses. This will be used for contracting the audit and investing in the physical works. The remainder will come from a partnership with the District of Medellín. If additional funding is required, we are prepared to leverage all our credit capacity to ensure the project’s completion.

Editor: This project is quite significant, not just for Antioquia but for the country as a whole. How does the Toyo Tunnel contribute to the region’s economic development?

Governor Rendón: The Toyo Tunnel is essential for improving connectivity and reducing transport time to the Port of Urabá, which is vital for trade. By facilitating access to the sea, we aim to enhance Antioquia’s competitiveness regionally and internationally. We believe that once completed, this infrastructure will be a boon to local economies and generate countless opportunities for our communities.

Editor: Lastly, could you speak to the ongoing discussions with the National Government regarding the remaining section of the tunnel?

Governor Rendón: Yes, we have reiterated our request for the National Government to expedite the transfer of the second sector of section 2. It is critical for the economic development of our region. While we acknowledge the national handling of the project, the urgency cannot be overstated. We are ready to take responsibility and ensure this project moves forward for the benefit of all Antioquians.

Editor: Thank you, Governor Rendón, for sharing your insights. We look forward to seeing the progress of the Toyo Tunnel project.

Governor Rendón: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss such an important initiative.

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