It’s in Brazil? Netflix reduces monthly subscription prices by up to 50% in more than 30 countries

According to The Wall Street Journal, Netflix has made cuts of up to 50% in monthly fees in more than 30 countries around the world. Among the countries with reduced values ​​are: Jordan, Libya, Iran, Kenya, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia and Slovakia.

Digging a bit further, countries on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe have seen the following change in prices:

  • Basic plan: from €7.99 to €4.99
  • Standard plan: from €9.99 to €7.99
  • Premium plan: from €11.99 to €9.99

So we can see that the 50% reduction didn’t affect all countries, but it’s a relief for those who were worried about additional fees for account sharing.

In this way, the measure tends to be a Netflix strategy to maintain its subscribers, since the competition has been charging much more attractive prices. In Brazil, the monthly premium plan costs BRL 55.90, enough to subscribe to services like Amazon Prime Video and HBO Max and still have a reserve of money in your pocket.

According to Tecnoblog, Netflix’s press office confirmed that Brazil will not be affected by the discounts. Prices will remain the same as in the United States and Canada, which were also left out of the novelty.

It is likely that this pricing policy is intended to facilitate the implementation of the account sharing fee, thereby preventing Netflix from suffering another major loss of subscribers as it did in 2022.

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