“It’s dangerous if you hang a water bottle around your neck” → Security email warns elementary school girl Fukuoka Prefectural police answer question “Are you a good person?”: J-CAST News[查看全文文本]

2024-07-23 11:24:08

“It is dangerous if you hang a water bottle around your neck.” On July 16, 2024, an incident occurred in Itoda Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, in which an elementary school student was yelled at by a man. The Tagawa Police Department issued a crime prevention email to the public . After local newspaper Nishi Nippon Shimbun reported the incident, it went viral on social media, with some saying the man’s remarks were justified and “maybe he is a good person who has been paying attention to me.” The Consumer Affairs Bureau said on its website Warn children not to hang water bottles around their necks.

Why was this event alerted via secure email? J-CAST News spoke with the Fukuoka Prefectural Police to learn the details of the incident.

  • Fukuoka Prefectural Police Police Car

  • Contents of secure email (reply number from Fukkei Anshin Mail)

    Contents of secure email (reply number from Fukkei Anshin Mail)

  • Fukuoka Prefectural Police Police Car
  • Contents of secure email (reply number from Fukkei Anshin Mail)

If you fall with a water bottle around your neck, you run the risk of injuring your internal organs…

According to the Consumer Agency’s website, if you fall down with a water bottle hanging around your neck, the bottle may hit your abdomen and cause internal injuries. Children fall easily and have difficulty reaching out reflexively when they fall. In addition, the muscles around the abdomen are weak and more susceptible to damage to internal organs. They also note that leashes can get wrapped around arms or necks, or get caught on playground equipment.

The message was sent via “Fukkei Anshin Mail”, the Fukuoka Prefectural Police’s email distribution system.

“At around 11:40 a.m. on July 16, an incident occurred on the streets of Itoda Town, Tagawa Ward. An unidentified man approached elementary school students and told them, ‘It will be dangerous if you hang a water bottle on your body. He is about 70 years old, 170 centimeters tall, thin and wearing a brown T-shirt and white trousers.

The content is.As a precautionary measure

“If you feel scared, just shout out.”
“Use the safety buzzer to alert those around you. Talk to your children about things like calling 110 immediately.”

It requires two things.

The head of the Fukuoka Prefectural Police Safety and General Affairs Division explained that the man told the female elementary school students that “hanging water bottles around your neck is dangerous,” but continued to talk to them. Additionally, although it was not mentioned in the security email, the man was reportedly holding an enclosed umbrella filled with a large amount of candy.

Fukuoka Prefectural Police considered the person “suspicious.”

It is said that the elementary school girls sensed that something was going to happen to them and took the opportunity to run away.

However, the female elementary school students could not understand what the man was saying. They only remembered that “it is dangerous to hang water bottles around your neck” and that there was a limit on the number. Originally written in.

“Those words alone may not come across as that strange, but after investigating the circumstances police thought it might be a suspicious person so we sent the email.”

Regarding crime prevention emails, prefectural police stations have established their own standards and are responsible for distributing crime occurrence information, crime prevention information, case resolution information, etc. that are deemed to require attention to requesters. There is no uniform standard across the country.

In this case, the email was sent as a precursor to a potential sex crime.

“For example, we won’t broadcast something because (the children) did something bad and the neighbor warned them,” he said.

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