It’s aimed at gamers! This character from Baldur’s Gate 3 can break the fourth wall in this dialogue choice!

2023-09-18 19:05:02

Game news It’s aimed at players! This character from Baldur’s Gate 3 can break the fourth wall in this dialogue choice!

Published on 09/18/2023 at 9:05 p.m.

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A character from Baldur’s Gate III speaks directly to the player using a certain spell! The fourth wall breaks in this very specific interaction.

Already many easter eggs and secrets have been discovered in Baldur’s Gate III and it seems that there are many more to discover. Proof of this is that this curiosity was recently discovered by a YouTuber named Chubblot, dialogue that breaks the fourth wall between the game’s narrative and the player. This conversation takes place with Karlach, one of the characters the player may wish to play as. She must suggest that you try something she learned from a cleric in Zariel: a technique that allows you to see in someone’s eyes whether they are telling the truth or not. By accepting, we trigger this very special interaction.

She looks into the eyes… of the player!

Once we accept, she starts looking at our character, then turns her head and looks directly in the direction of the player! If his questions are answered correctly, the NPC begins to discuss the characteristics of the game itself: “Crossing lines and behind them, chaos. And then the hand decides: yes, no. But she barely knows herself.” Here, it directly refers to the lines of dialogue and choices that are offered to players. After that, she realizes that she is part of it all, of the game itself: “I’m stuck here, forever, in its tangled lines, these hundreds of hours, more or less…” In addition to that, she refers to the lifespan of the game and the time spent by the player on it. this.

It’s not surprising to see this kind of content in Baldur’s Gate III. Already in the second opus, we were able to see this type of interaction which plays with the character/player perspective. Indeed, at a certain point in the game, it is possible to free some adventurous NPCs from a stone prison. Once this is done, you can give them a quest which invites them to bring you an item. They will try to overtake you, attack you, die and then their save will be reloaded. Exactly the same way it would happen for the player. Small details that play with the narration, this clearly shows the importance of the latter for the studios.

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