Itapúa Hosts Forum Focused on Safeguarding Children and Adolescents from Abuse

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In order to ensure the effective functioning of the bodies that make up the National System for the Comprehensive Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, the Itapúa Departmental Prevention Forum will be held this Wednesday, September 4, at the headquarters of the government in Encarnación.

The meeting is organized by the Government of Paraguay through the Ministry of Children and Adolescents (Minna), headed by Minister Walter Gutiérrez; and Vice Minister Verónica Argüello. Also participating are representatives of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (Mitic) through the General Directorate of Strategic Communication (DGCE).

Also attending were the governor of Itapúa, Javier Pereira; mayors of the eighth department, representatives of the Office of the First Lady (OPD) and the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CODENI).

Minister Gutiérrez highlighted the partial sanction in the Senate with the increase of the prison sentence to 28 years for child and adolescent abusers. The bill that increases the penalties for child sexual abuse is currently in the House of Representatives.

The Director of Prevention at Minna, Leticia González, said that this meeting seeks to train the different actors involved in the prevention of the violation of the rights of children and adolescents, in the use of the tools that have been delivered in May with the campaign “The More You Talk and Listen, the More You Take Care of Yourself #TodosSomosResponsables.”

Capacity building

Minna Minister, Walter Gutiérrez and the governor of Itapúa, Javier Pereira. Photo Mitic.-

This workshop seeks to strengthen capacities through training and coordination of actions with jurisdictional bodies and entities that guarantee rights, for the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse in the eighth department.

In this regard, it is a priority to train the CODENI of Itapúa and the other actors of the Protection System in the methodological use of the Sexual Abuse Prevention Guide, promoting the effective implementation of this tool in their communities, both in the school and community settings.

It also seeks to raise awareness, promote recognition and denaturalization of child sexual abuse in communities, making the problem visible and raising awareness among key actors about its impact on children and adolescents.

Providing technical support and promoting coordination between local protection networks and jurisdictional bodies to ensure a coordinated and effective response to cases of child sexual abuse is another priority of this departmental meeting.

#Departmental #forum #Itapúa #addresses #prevention #child #adolescent #abuse
2024-09-06 12:18:12
Protecting the Rights of Children and Adolescents: The Itapúa Departmental ⁢Prevention Forum

Asuncion, IP Agency – The Ministry of Children‌ and Adolescents (Minna) ⁤and the Government of Paraguay⁣ are working together to ensure the effective functioning of the bodies that make up the National System for the Comprehensive Protection ‌and Promotion​ of the Rights of Children and Adolescents. To achieve this, the Itapúa Departmental Prevention Forum will take place on ⁤September 4 ‌at the headquarters⁣ of the government in Encarnación.

Strengthening Capacities for ​Child ‌Protection

The meeting is organized by the Ministry of Children and Adolescents, ⁢led by⁤ Minister Walter Gutiérrez, and Vice Minister Verónica⁢ Argüello. The General Directorate of Strategic ‍Communication (DGCE) of the Ministry of Information and Communication⁢ Technologies (Mitic)⁢ is also participating in the event. The governor⁣ of Itapúa, Javier Pereira, mayors of​ the eighth department, representatives of the ‍Office of the First Lady (OPD), and the Municipal Council for the⁣ Rights ‍of Children and Adolescents (CODENI) will also attend the forum.

Capacity ⁢Building for Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse

Minister Gutiérrez highlighted the partial sanction in the Senate with the increase of the prison sentence to 28 years for child and



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