Italy’s Call for a Prominent Role on the Global Stage

“For the EPP it is clear, Italy must be well represented in the next European Commission. Europe must respect the results achieved by the Italian government on many European issues.” Manfred Weber, president of the EPP and leader of the group in the European Parliament, does not mince words in an interview with Corriere della Sera to support Italy’s choice of representative in the EU. In the interview with the newspaper, Weber observes that “Forza Italia, as a strong voice for Italy, reminds everyone in the European Parliament that Italy is an important member state of the EU. My friend Raffaele Fitto is fully supported by Antonio Tajani. I agree with President Mattarella when, in June, he said that ‘Italy cannot be neglected in the European Union’.”

Meloni-Draghi, summit in sight. And the Democratic Party boycotts Italy: blackmail to von der Leyen on Fitto

Do you think that the Italian Commissioner Fitto risks being rejected in the hearings at the European Parliament? “My friend Fitto – Weber answers the question – knows Europe perfectly. He has nothing to fear from any question. He is a bridge builder and has demonstrated economic competence, for example when he successfully implemented the PNRR. He will be a great asset for the next Commission”.

Capable Politician. Renew Attacks Fitto but Renzi Defends Him

Then another question for Weber: ‘are you afraid of losing the support of the Greens in the plenary vote on the entire college of commissioners with the vice-presidency to Italy?’ “The Greens – notes the president of the European People’s Party – must decide whether to vote alongside the pro-European forces or with Viktor Orbán, Marine Le Pen and others. I think they have learned from the mistakes of the past, when they voted against the Pact for Asylum and Migration and other important European dossiers”. The postponement of the presentation of the team by von der Leyen to Tuesday, according to Weber, will not have an impact on the ongoing negotiations on the portfolios: “Absolutely not. We must build a Commission that represents and unites Europe. A postponement does not affect this fundamental objective”.

#Italy #represented #Tempo
2024-09-12 11:45:54

Here is‍ a PAA (People Also Ask) related question ⁢for⁣ your title:

Italy’s EU Commissioner Pick Raffaele Fitto: A ‍Bridge⁤ Builder⁣ for European Progress

In a‌ recent ⁣interview with Corriere della Sera, Manfred Weber, president of the ‌European People’s ‍Party (EPP), expressed his strong support for Italy’s choice of⁤ representative in the EU, Raffaele Fitto, to ​serve in⁢ the next European Commission ​ [[1]].⁢ Weber emphasized the importance of Italy’s representation ⁢in the EU, stating that “Europe must respect the results achieved by the Italian​ government on many European issues”​ [[1]].

Fitto, ⁢currently Italy’s European Affairs Minister, has been nominated ⁣by Italian Prime ⁤Minister Giorgia​ Meloni to serve in the next European Commission ‌ [[2]]. His experience and economic competence, demonstrated through his successful implementation of the ‍PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), make​ him an ideal ⁢candidate to represent ‌Italy in the​ EU.⁢

Weber, a strong advocate for Fitto’s nomination, believes‌ that he has nothing to fear from the European Parliament’s hearings, as⁤ he “knows⁤ Europe perfectly” and is a “bridge builder” [[1]]. Fitto’s ability to bring together different factions and build consensus will be‌ a great asset for the next Commission.

However, Fitto’s​ nomination has not been without controversy, with⁤ some questioning his ability to work ​with other European leaders [[2]]. Despite these concerns, Weber remains ‍confident in Fitto’s ability ⁢to work with‌ the pro-European forces‍ and build bridges between different European factions.

In addition to Fitto’s nomination, Italy’s role in the EU has been a topic⁣ of discussion, with President Mattarella emphasizing the​ importance of Italy’s representation in the EU [[1]]. The country has been an important member ‌state of the EU, and its contributions to European issues cannot be neglected.

As the EU ‍continues to navigate its way through various challenges, the importance of having strong and capable‌ representatives like Fitto cannot be overstated. His nomination is ​a step in the right direction for Italy’s representation in the EU and for⁣ the progress of European issues as ​a whole. ⁢

Furthermore,‍ Italy’s involvement in ​the Council of Europe⁤ is also significant, with the‍ country being a⁤ member state and playing ‌an active role in ‍various European⁣ initiatives,‍ such⁤ as the prevention of torture,⁤ fight against⁤ racism, and protection of social ‌rights ⁤ [[3]].

Raffaele Fitto’s nomination ‌as Italy’s EU⁤ Commissioner is a significant step forward for‍ the country’s representation in the EU. His experience, economic competence, and ability ⁣to build bridges between different European factions make him ⁤an ideal candidate to represent Italy in the EU.​ As the EU​ continues to evolve and face new⁣ challenges, having capable and dedicated representatives like ⁣Fitto​ will be crucial for European progress.

European Commission President

The European Commission: A Comprehensive Overview

The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union (EU) responsible for proposing legislation, enforcing EU laws, and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. As the EU’s executive arm, the Commission plays a vital role in shaping the union’s policies and decisions.

Italian Representation in the European Commission

Italy is an important member state of the EU, and its representation in the European Commission is crucial. Recently, the European Commission approved the Italian decree, exempting certain contributions, in line with EU legislation on state aid [[2]]. This move highlights the importance of Italy’s participation in the EU’s decision-making processes.

In an interview with Corriere della Sera, Manfred Weber, president of the European People’s Party (EPP) and leader of the group in the European Parliament, emphasized the need for Italy to be well-represented in the next European Commission [[1]]. Weber expressed his support for Italy’s choice of representative in the EU, stating that “Italy cannot be neglected in the European Union.”

The Role of the European Commission in Shaping EU Policies

The European Commission has a significant impact on shaping EU policies and decisions. It is responsible for proposing legislation, enforcing EU laws, and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. The Commission’s decisions and policies have far-reaching consequences for EU member states, businesses, and citizens alike.

Accessing Information on the European Commission

For those interested in learning more about the European Commission and its activities, the official Commission website is an invaluable resource [[1]]. The website provides access to information on the Commission’s priorities, policies, and services, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to stay informed about EU affairs.


the European Commission plays a vital role in shaping the EU’s policies and decisions. Italy’s representation in the Commission is crucial, and recent developments highlight the importance of Italy’s participation in EU affairs. As the EU’s executive arm, the Commission’s decisions have far-reaching consequences, making it essential to stay informed about its activities and policies.


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