Italy: Grandfather dances at his 15-year-old grandson’s funeral – “I felt him next to me – This dance saved me” (video)

Italy: Grandfather dances at his 15-year-old grandson’s funeral – “I felt him next to me – This dance saved me” (video)

Gentilin, 66, lost his grandson Kevin Gentilin, 15, in a car accident when he was hit by a car while driving his scooter home from school while passing through Castelfranco Veneto, Italy, on October 25.

In honor of his relatives, Gentilin wanted to send off his loved one in a way they connected, dancing to techno and pop music.

At the funeral, the 66-year-old broke into a wild tribute dance next to Kevin’s coffin as family and friends cheered him on.

“In those moments, I felt Kevin’s presence between us and I felt like he wanted me to dance with him so we could have fun together again,” Gentilin told NewsFlash.

Before the honor performance, he asked permission from his son and daughter-in-law, who graciously granted it.
While dancing at the funeral, he felt spiritually connected to Kevin, sending him off with high energy instead of sadness.

“I turned straight to him, yelled, ‘Fling Kevin, you’re free now!’ Gentilin said. “He and I were kindred spirits. He came to visit me every night, we talked about everything.

The pair shared a deep interest in music, often feeling more like friends than grandfather and grandson.

“I was exhausted, but at the same time I felt light,” Gentilin shared of his dance tribute.

“What I didn’t know is that they would be filming the scene with their cell phones and that the video would end up on social media and in the newspapers,” he confessed.

“I apologize if I offended anyone’s sensitivities, but believe me: this dance, a declaration of love to my grandson, saved me,” he says and gets emotional.

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#Italy #Grandfather #dances #15yearold #grandsons #funeral #felt #dance #saved #video
It looks like you’ve pasted some JavaScript code ‌that is related to⁢ loading various advertising scripts and handling multiple ad ​services on a webpage. The code ‍features functions for loading Google​ AdSense, OneSignal ‍for notifications, Disqus for comments, and other ad integrations.

Here’s a breakdown of some segments ⁣of the ‌code and how they‌ generally work:

1. **Removing ⁣AdSense Elements**:


document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

​ ⁢ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();

‍ });

‌ “`

⁣ This part‍ looks for elements with the class `adsense-for-mobile` and ‍removes‌ any child elements with the class ⁤`adsbygoogle` to avoid showing them.

2. **Loading AdSense Scripts**:

‍ “`javascript

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

const⁣ adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

⁢ ⁤ if (adSenseSlotCount > 0)‍ {

// load AdSense‌ scripts here

⁤ }


If there are ‌any AdSense slots on the page,⁢ it will proceed with ⁢loading AdSense scripts (the specific loading logic is presumably defined in the `asyncLoadScript`‍ function).

3. **OneSignal Initialization**:

‍ “`javascript

⁤window.OneSignalDeferred ​= window.OneSignalDeferred || ⁢ [];

⁢ OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

‌ ​ OneSignal.init({

‌ ‌ ⁤ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

​ ⁣ });


⁤ “`

This initializes the OneSignal push notification service with the provided `appId`.

4. **Disqus Configuration**:

⁣ “`javascript

var ​disqus_config = function() ‍{

‍ ⁤ =‍ “…”; // ​URL of the‍ page = 1562469; // Unique identifier for ‌the page



⁣ (function() {

⁣ var d = document,

‌ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

⁢ ⁤ ⁢ s.src = “…”; // The source ⁢URL ⁢for the Disqus script

​s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, ⁤+new Date());

(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);


​ ⁤}, 3000);

‌ “`

⁣ Sets up the configuration ‍for ​Disqus comments and loads the Disqus script ⁢after a 3-second ‌delay.

5. **Loading Various Scripts Asynchronously**:

There are multiple calls to a‍ function called `asyncLoadScript`, suggesting⁢ that it is ‍used to load ⁤other scripts asynchronously. The​ comments in ‌the code also ‍mention other ad services that are intended to be loaded, like⁤ Taboola and Glomex, but the URLs or methods for ​loading ⁣them appear to be incomplete or commented out.

6. **Error ‌Handling and Timing**:⁤

⁤ The code employs `setTimeout` to delay the⁢ loading of certain scripts, ‌which can be ⁣useful in ensuring that the DOM ​is fully loaded or to prevent blocking page rendering.

If you have specific questions ​about certain parts of the code ⁣or need assistance with a particular functionality,⁤ feel free to ask!

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