Italy asked the UN not to “stand idly by” regarding the situation in Venezuela

September 24, 2024, 9:28 pm
Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy. Photo: Archive

Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy, delivered a speech at the UN General Assembly on September 24, where she addressed the situation in Venezuela and the events surrounding the presidential elections held on July 28.


In her remarks, Giorgia Meloni expressed her solidarity with the millions of Venezuelans who participated in the July 28 elections, hoping for political change.

“The international community cannot remain idle two months after the July 28 elections. The results have not been acknowledged, while brutal repression has occurred, resulting in the deaths of dozens of protesters, the arbitrary detention of thousands of political opponents, and the opposition presidential candidate being forced to flee the country,” stated Italy’s highest official.

Giorgia Meloni was among several global leaders who took time to discuss the current situation in Venezuela, where the legitimacy of Nicolás Maduro’s alleged re-election is under scrutiny.

It’s important to highlight that witnesses from the Unitary Platform managed to retrieve over 80% of the minutes recorded by the CNE machines during the electoral process, which indicate that Edmundo González Urrutia won the presidency by a significant margin over Maduro.

Giorgia Meloni’s Speech on Venezuela: A Call for International Solidarity

Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy

Context of Meloni’s Address

On September 24, 2024, Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy, delivered a poignant speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Her remarks centered on the recent political situation in Venezuela, particularly regarding the controversial presidential elections that took place on July 28. This address is significant as it underscores Italy’s stance on international human rights issues and the role of democracies in supporting political change.

Solidarity with Venezuelans

During her address, Meloni expressed her solidarity with the millions of Venezuelans who participated in the July 28 elections, seeking a change in leadership amid a climate of fear and repression.

Key Points from Meloni’s Speech

  • Recognition of the overwhelming desire for political change among Venezuelan citizens.
  • Condemnation of the brutal repression faced by protesters and political opponents.
  • A call for the international community to not remain passive in light of the human rights violations occurring in Venezuela.
  • Emphasis on the necessity for legitimate electoral processes and respect for democratic principles.

The Allegations Surrounding the Elections

Meloni referred to the alleged irregularities surrounding the July 28 elections, where the re-election of Nicolás Maduro has been widely disputed. International observers and opposition groups have raised concerns about democratic integrity and transparency.

Evidence of Electoral Discrepancies

Witnesses from the Unitary Platform, an opposition coalition, reported recovering more than 80% of the minutes printed by the National Electoral Council (CNE) machines during the electoral process. Their findings suggest that candidate Edmundo González Urrutia won the presidency by a significant margin over Maduro.

Global Reactions and Implications

Meloni’s speech is part of a growing chorus of international leaders voicing concern over the political climate in Venezuela. The implications of these statements are multifaceted:

1. International Support for Democracy

The international community’s reaction can foster greater diplomatic efforts aimed at supporting democratic transitions in volatile regions like Venezuela.

2. Human Rights Advocacy

Highlighting human rights abuses encourages organizations and governments to focus on humanitarian efforts in Venezuela.

Case Studies: Comparative Political Responses

Examining how other nations have responded to similar situations can shed light on effective strategies to support democracy. Here are two noteworthy examples:

Country Situation Response Outcome
Venezuela (2024) Contested Elections International condemnation, calls for investigation Increased scrutiny of Venezuelan government
Myanmar (2021) Coup d’état Sanctions, support for opposition Ongoing conflict, international isolation of military junta
Ukraine (2014) Annexation by Russia International support for sovereignty, sanctions against Russia Strengthened NATO alliances, ongoing conflict

Practical Tips for Supporting Democratic Movements

Individuals and organizations wishing to support democratic movements globally can consider the following strategies:

  • Stay Informed: Follow credible news sources and reports on the situation in Venezuela.
  • Support Nonprofits: Contribute to organizations focused on human rights advocacy and democratic governance.
  • Raise Awareness: Use social media platforms to highlight the struggles of those fighting for democracy in Venezuela.
  • Engage Politically: Contact elected representatives to express support for sanctions or interventions aimed at promoting democracy in Venezuela.

Firsthand Experiences from Venezuelans

To understand the depth of the crisis, it’s essential to hear directly from Venezuelans impacted by the political unrest. Personal stories provide insight into the struggles faced by everyday citizens:

“We went out to vote out of hope, only to face intimidation and violence. Our voices were suppressed, and we felt abandoned by the world.”
– A Venezuelan voter reflecting on the July 28 elections.


Giorgia Meloni’s address at the UN underscores Italy’s commitment to advocating for democratic principles and human rights in Venezuela. As the international community assesses the evolving political landscape in Venezuela, the call to action for solidarity and support remains crucial. Keeping the spotlight on these critical issues can empower citizens and inspire change in their nations.



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