Italians and America. Emigration to the United States told through music, images and stories

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liguria on the route of ulysses. sounds words and reflections on emigration. image12Event promoted by the Allegro con Moto Association of Savona SAVONA – America again in the fifth edition of the event “On the Route of Ulysses. Sounds, Words and Reflections on Emigration” conceived, directed and organized by the Allegro con Moto Association of Savona. After Argentina, France, Switzerland and the United States, the country starring in the new edition will once again be… the United States. There are too many things still to tell and show, too much material regarding one of the most important migratory flows in national history. The event benefits from the support, collaboration and patronage of the Liguria Region, the Municipality of Savona, the Municipality of Quiliano, “Savona 2027” (candidate for Italian capital of culture), the De Mari Foundation (Savona), the Allegro con Moto Association (Savona), the Amadeo Peter Giannini Study Center. Genoa-Liguria Film Commission, the American International Women’s Club of Genoa, Mu.MA. Museums of the Sea and Migration (Genoa), MEI. National Museum of Italian Emigration (Genoa), Mozart Association of Savona, Ligurians in the World Association, CISEI International Center for Studies on Italian Emigration (Genoa)….



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