Italian media on the nomination of “Bassam Rady” as ambassador to Egypt in Rome: an important message from Cairo

The Italian media widely reported the news of the republican decision to nominate the presidential spokesman, Bassam Rady, as Egypt’s ambassador extraordinary in Rome.

Under the title “The Nomination of the Official Spokesperson of President Sisi as Ambassador to Egypt in Rome”, the Italian media described the “high-level” nomination as tantamount to sending Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi an important signal to Italy with the proposal of Presidential Spokesman Bassam Radi to represent Egypt in the capital, Rome in the coming years, which is The official facade of the Egyptian presidency in front of Egyptian and international media and platforms since 2017, during which he issued several presidential statements on the issue of the murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni. …. He affirms his “full support for the cooperation between the competent Egyptian and Italian authorities,” statements that have stopped addressing the Regeni case since December 2020 when the Egyptian public prosecutor officially closed the investigations by Egypt.

Italian newspapers published the complete biography of Ambassador Bassam Radi, describing it as “dense”, focusing on the length of his work in the Egyptian presidency since 2017, in a very important period, and his participation in all external and internal presidential activities and meetings daily for five years. And the policies of the Egyptian state in all external and internal files.

According to Italian newspapers, “Radi” had previously worked at the Egyptian embassy in Rome as a first secretary and spoke Italian. He is from a political family. His father, the Minister of Irrigation and a former member of Parliament in the eighties and nineties, engineer Essam Rady.


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