Italian for the 2024 driving license / News / What’s new / Homepage – Municipality of Lecco

The Informagiovani of the Municipality of Lecco, in collaboration with Les Cultures Onlusproposes a free Italian course to obtain the driving licence young people aged 17 to 35.

The course aims to improve children’s entry into the world of work and takes place within the project CoDINGDigital Skills e Linguistics for Work and Integration, Lombardy Region – Volunteering Call 2023-25, which the aim of expanding and qualifying the offer of language training services, through the consolidation of a network of capable public and third sector entities.

The initiative provides 7 lessons lasting 2 hours and will take place in Lecco, at the Informagiovani headquarters (via Dell’Eremo 28) every Monday from 5.15pm to 7.15pm starting dal 21 October to 2 December 2024.

To participate you must register via this online form

For more information:
0341.493790 (also WhatsApp!)
Facebook: Lecco youth information
Instagram: @informagiovani_Lecco



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