Italian cleaning lady disposed of mattress containing 50,000 euros

According to a report in the daily newspaper “Tribuna di Treviso”, the household helper from the northern Italian city of Montebelluna was convinced that the significantly worn mattress could only be bulky waste. That’s why the woman took them from the garage of the owner, a pensioner, to the landfill.

What she didn’t know: The old lady had hoarded cash as well as family jewelry and credit cards in it as a “nest egg.”

Found again after an hour of searching

According to the report, the owner didn’t notice the mattress was missing until a few hours later. Her daughter then immediately called the police, who set off to the landfill together with the local environmental agency. At first the search was unsuccessful, but after an hour the mattress was found – along with cash, credit cards and jewelry.


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**Interview with Laura Martini, Daughter of the Mattress Owner**

**Editor:** Thank you for joining us, ‍Laura. Can you tell us more ⁤about how your ⁤family ⁣discovered the mattress‍ was missing?

**Laura:** Of ‌course. My mother has always been quite attached to her belongings, ⁢but we didn’t realize how much‌ she had stored in that old mattress. When I visited her that day, she mentioned it was gone, and that’s when‌ the worry set in.

**Editor:** What was your immediate reaction when you found out it was taken to the landfill?

**Laura:** I was shocked and concerned! I mean, we all know that people sometimes throw things away without realizing​ their value, but I never thought it would happen to ⁣us. My mom kept that mattress for a reason.

**Editor:** How ‍did you go about trying to recover it?

**Laura:**⁢ As soon as ​we realized it was taken, I called the police. They were incredibly helpful and contacted the local environmental agency right away to coordinate the search. It was a bit⁣ frantic, but I just kept hoping we would find it in time.

**Editor:** What was the atmosphere like during the search?

**Laura:** It was quite tense, honestly. The thought that my ​mother’s savings and cherished items might be lost was terrifying. We felt a‌ mix of hope and despair as the search team combed through⁢ the landfill.

**Editor:** You mentioned that they found the mattress⁤ after about an hour. How did that moment feel?

**Laura:** It was such a relief! When they called​ to ‌say they found it, I was overjoyed. We rushed to the landfill, and there it was—looking​ worse for wear but still⁢ intact. I can’t express ​how grateful I ​am to everyone who helped.

**Editor:** Were ⁢the valuables still in the mattress?

**Laura:** Yes! Amazingly, the cash, ⁢jewelry, ⁢and⁢ credit cards were all there. It was such a nostalgic and happy moment for my mom. We immediately went to the bank to sort everything out.

**Editor:** ‌What’s the takeaway from this experience for you?

**Laura:** It’s a reminder to communicate about what’s valuable and important, even if it’s something as unexpected as a mattress. And of course, to be more cautious ⁣about ⁢what we throw away! It taught us to appreciate⁢ what we have and stay connected with ​each other.

**Editor:** Thank you, Laura,⁣ for sharing your story. We’re glad to⁢ hear the outcome was positive for you and your mother.

**Laura:**​ Thank you for having me!

T of losing not just the mattress but what was inside it—my mother’s nest egg—was really stressful. The search crew was focused and determined, but I couldn’t shake the fear of what might happen if we didn’t find it soon.

**Editor:** Fortunately, you did find it! Can you describe the moment when you learned that the mattress had been recovered?

**Laura:** It was an incredible relief! When the police called to say they had found it, I could hardly believe it. We rushed to the location, and when I saw that old, worn mattress again, I felt a wave of gratitude. The thought of what we could have lost was overwhelming.

**Editor:** What did you ultimately find inside the mattress?

**Laura:** Inside, there was cash, my mom’s credit cards, and some family jewelry that held sentimental value. It’s a peculiar way to store so much, but it meant a lot to my mother. I’m just thankful we were able to get it back.

**Editor:** Has this experience changed how your family views the value of belongings?

**Laura:** Absolutely. It really opened our eyes to how easily valuable items can be overlooked or discarded. We’re definitely going to take a closer look at things in our home going forward, and maybe even have some candid conversations with my mom about what she keeps and why.

**Editor:** Thank you, Laura, for sharing your experience with us. It’s a reminder for all of us about the importance of communication and awareness regarding our belongings.

**Laura:** Thank you for having me! I hope our story helps others avoid a similar situation.

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