Italian Champion Sofia Goggia Prepares for Triumphant Return

The goal is to be at the gate starting a Beaver Creekperhaps challenging Lindsey Vonnin anticipation of an incredible return to the slopes (“we’re all curious to know”): an American weekend with a double appointment, with downhill and Super-G set for December 14th and 15th.

«I would like to return there», the hope of the Bergamo native, protagonist of the Fisi Media Day (the biathlon world champion Lisa Vittozzi named athlete of the year) and returning from a terrible fracture of the tibia and malleolus during a training session on February 5th. A period

«I want to ski, I want to try»

very hard from an emotional point of view. «I suffered a lotespecially the first few months. For two months I thought I was dead. Humanly, I experienced the cold and the darkness. It was very taxing in so many aspects: physically, mentally and emotionally. But I must say that since the operation everything went perfectly, perhaps even better than expected. Now I feel really goodeven mentally I am able to do things that before, having the straightener, I didn’t trust myself to do. It dirtied my emotions on skis. I want to ski, I want to try.”

Charged, smiling, ironic. Goggia has a very clear program in mind to get back to the top, without however crushing under the pressure of the result at any cost: «I worked hard to try to get back to being the best Sofia I could be.

Season without expectations

I want to lean into this season without any expectations. I would be intellectually dishonest if I talked about goals today without even touching the snow. We need to evaluate things clearly, we need to create a progression. I’ll put my skis back on soonwith very light work, also to regain confidence with the boot. Then I will go to America to Copper Mountain on November 11th and a month later I would like to return to the race.”

The race is the horizon, as a reward for the effort made during rehabilitation. «Non

«I haven’t done a single day on skis yet»

I haven’t done a single day on skis yet. So for me it’s truly a tabula rasa condition, a blank sheet of paper where there is the desire to write and create a path. It seems new due to the complexity of the injury I suffered but which I actually know because it’s not the first injury I’ve come back from. This time I really found myself extremely fragile. But as they say in Bergamo: “my grindstone”».



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