Italian astrologers have named the 4 main losers of the zodiac

Italian experts in the field of astrology, they named representatives of the signs of the zodiac, constantly stepping on the same rake.


Women born under the sign of Capricorn constantly step on the same rake. Faced with difficulties at work or disappointed in their partner, they are in a hurry to discuss the problem with colleagues, superiors or a loved one, but withdraw into themselves.

Capricorn women abstract from their failures, preferring to pretend that they are not there, and switch to another type of activity until the situation repeats itself once more.

To avoid such problems in the future, astrologers advise representatives of this sign to learn to listen to themselves, not to run away from their feelings, but to appreciate them.


Representatives of the water sign have a strong enough character to cope with any kind of difficulties. But their adventurous nature always brings them down.

Women born under the constellation Scorpio dive into dubious adventures, as if into a pool, and then reap the bitter fruits of their intemperance. In addition, they often do not listen to their intuition and make the wrong choice.

Experts in the field of astrology recommend that Scorpios not be led by the thirst for adventure and often listen to their inner voice – he knows what he is saying.


The root of all the evils that fall to the lot of Gemini is their frivolity and inconstancy. Girls born under this constellation are subject to frequent mood swings and desires: now they want one thing, in five minutes – completely different.

Of course, this is not forbidden, but often because of their whims, the Gemini find themselves in awkward situations and unpleasant alterations.

After all, people around are far from always ready to adjust their schedule to these zodiacal fidgets. Astrologers say that Gemini needs to try to control their impulses and sort out their desires before putting them into practice.


All the troubles of Taurus are from a tender heart. Representatives of this sign have such qualities as empathy, compassion, mercy, but their good intentions most often lead to failure.

Those around them use the benefits that their Taurus women shower, willingly accept their help, including material, and then disappear without even saying goodbye.

All this greatly upsets the daughters of the earth element. Experts in the field of astrology strongly recommend that Taurus learn to value themselves and part with those who strive to sit on their necks in time – so both the nerves and the wallet will be safer.



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