Itaipu Powers the Nation with an Impressive 13,633 GWh Output

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant supplied the country, through the National Electricity Administration (ANDE), with 13,633 GWh of electric energy during the period from January to August of this year.

This is indicated in the monthly report on energy production and supply provided by the Technical Directorate of the Right Bank of the Entity.

Total generation for the month of August was 4,842 GWh. Of this amount, 2,409 GWh were generated by the 50 Hz system, of which 1,204 GWh were supplied to ANDE.

The total amount generated during the eight months of the mentioned period, which was 42,730 GWh, is equivalent to what is needed to supply Paraguay’s demand for approximately one year and eleven months.

The report also mentions the high availability rate of the generating units of the Hydroelectric Power Plant, whose value in August was 97.07%, exceeding the company’s goal of 94% by 3.07%.

These achievements are possible thanks to operational and maintenance efficiency, the technical quality of the staff and the coordinated work between the electrical systems of Paraguay and Brazil, optimizing the available resources to cover the existing demand by the interconnected system.

Itaipu Binacional is the largest generator of clean and renewable energy, with a production of more than 3,027,441 GWh since the beginning of its operations in 1984.

#Itaipu #supplied #GWh #electricity #country
2024-09-12 07:12:21

How much energy does the Itaipu Dam generate

Itaipu Dam: A Hydroelectric ⁢Powerhouse

The Itaipu Dam, located north of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, is one of the world’s largest hydroelectric projects in terms of power ⁢output [[1]]. This ​binational initiative was the result of negotiations between Brazil and Paraguay, initiated in the 1960s, ​and has been generating energy since 1984 [[3]].

Energy Production

The Itaipu Dam has produced ⁤an astonishing amount of energy over the years. In fact, it is the single plant ⁣that has produced the most energy in history, with over 3 million Gigawatt-hours generated since 1984 [[2]]. To put this into perspective, this amount of energy is enough to supply the entire world for 43 days.

Recent Energy Production

As of 2024, ⁢the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant continues to be a significant⁢ source of⁢ energy for Paraguay. According to⁢ recent reports, the plant supplied the country with 13,633 GWh of electric energy from January to August of this ⁣year. The total generation for the month of August⁢ was 4,842 GWh, with 2,409 GWh generated by ⁤the 50 Hz ‍system, and 1,204 GWh supplied to the National Electricity Administration (ANDE).

Impressive Generation⁤ Capacity

The Itaipu Dam’s generating units have demonstrated an impressive availability rate of 97.07% in August, exceeding the company’s goals. This​ capacity is equivalent ⁢to what is needed to supply Paraguay’s demand ​for approximately‍ one⁤ year and‍ eleven months.


The Itaipu Dam is a testament to the power of hydroelectric energy and ‌international cooperation. Its impressive energy production capacity has made it a significant contributor to Paraguay’s energy needs, and its impact is felt globally. As the world continues to transition towards renewable energy sources, the Itaipu Dam serves as a shining example of the potential of ​hydroelectric power.

Optimized Keywords: Itaipu Dam, hydroelectric power, ​Paraguay, Brazil, energy production, renewable energy sources.

Biggest hydroelectric dam

Itaipu Dam: A Hydroelectric Powerhouse

Located north of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, the Itaipu Dam is one of the world’s largest hydroelectric projects in terms of power output [[1]]. This binational initiative was the result of negotiations between Brazil and Paraguay, initiated in the 1960s, and has been generating energy since 1984 [[3]].

Energy Production

The Itaipu Dam has produced an astonishing amount of energy over the years. In fact, it is the single plant that has produced the most energy in history, with over 3 million Gigawatt-hours generated since 1984 [[2]]. To put this into perspective, this amount of energy is enough to supply the



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