It was worth going on a diet, as a friend began to slip chocolates and fast food at every opportunity

I just can’t understand what drives my friend Oksana. Whether envy, or sincere concern. In any case, her actions have been very annoying to me lately. And I told Oksana regarding this many times. And she doesn’t seem to hear.

The thing is, I’ve been losing weight for two months now. To do this, I began to walk more, do simple exercises. Of course, I changed my diet. I refused sweets, rolls, chips, fast food, fried foods. Everything is standard, in general.

And these actions have already brought a good, in my opinion, result. If before I weighed ninety kilograms, now eighty-four. It seems not so much. But my second chin has already disappeared. The waist has appeared. The shortness of breath disappeared.

I do not plan to stop there. I want to lose at least 15 kilos more. So I continue to stick to my diet. And I do not touch the “prohibited” even as an exception.

And Oksana, as luck would have it, began to bring chocolates and pies to each of our meetings. All the time he says that I supposedly have hungry eyes. And in general, “one time nothing will happen.”

It will be, how it will be! I do know myself. I won’t stop at one treat. And in the end, all my efforts will go to waste. Therefore, every time I refuse what my friend brings.

If she wants to treat me to something, let her bring an apple or a bag of dried fruits. And tasty, and on the sides will not be deposited. Oksana just nods in response, and then everything repeats.

He also regularly calls in cafes, where, apart from burgers and deep-fried chicken, there is nothing. Although we have a lot of establishments with normal cuisine. By the way, I have to defend trips to such institutions.

However, Oksana is not appeased. In a cafe, she always orders dishes with potatoes, fried meat, cakes. And colorfully paints how delicious it all is.

Apparently, he hopes that I will not stand it. And indulge in something forbidden. Then I will not be able to stop and once more I will return to the previous weight. Don’t wait! My health is more important to me.

Moreover, she began to behave this way quite recently, when the first results of my weight loss appeared. I have a suspicion that Oksana is jealous. The girlfriend herself is also far from being a reed.

Maybe, once morest this background, we once became friends. The fact is that in our study group at the institute we were the only donuts. After graduation, we continued to communicate.

I finally decided to take on myself. A friend does not want to change anything. Like, she loves herself like that. In my opinion, Oksana is disingenuous. She squints and purses her lips every time she sees slender girls.

But laziness and love to eat delicious food clearly overpower her desire, albeit hidden, to become the best version of herself. And Oksana has no choice but to envy.

Although I offered her to lose weight together. Also more fun! But no. From a long walk, a friend gets tired. She, poor thing, does not eat up with healthy dishes. OK. If you are not ready to lose weight yourself – do not interfere with others.

A friend is trying in every possible way to prevent my weight loss. Last weekend, I already told her in the forehead regarding envy. Oksana got offended and began to rub me in that she was trying to feed me out of the best of intentions.

“How might you think such a thing regarding me? I’m worried regarding you! Suddenly, with your diet, you reach anorexia? It’s difficult to treat it, you know. Many people die followingwards!”

What anorexia is she talking regarding? I just started eating right. From this, skates are definitely not discarded ahead of time. On the contrary, they begin to feel better.

But I might not explain my thoughts to Oksana. She started the hurdy-gurdy once more regarding my supposedly hungry look, saying that the diet is not doing me good.

Yes, I have no hungry look! I’m not starving. But for a friend, the “right” food is not food at all. Therefore, she never treated me with fruit, although I asked.

She said that it doesn’t work at all. Well, I don’t just eat fruits. I only use them as a snack. And Oksana, by the way, tried to treat them. I tried to prove that they are a good substitute for chocolates. But it didn’t work out. For a friend, fruits are “sourness for one bite.” Certainly. It is much better to overeat sweets and other junk food, as Oksana does.

However, that’s her business. I quickly stopped imposing my vision on her. Plus, I used to love to eat. And what? Always out of breath when climbing stairs. I’m not talking regarding the reflection in the mirror. Full folds, double chin.

I’m still far from ideal. But my health has improved a lot. For the sake of this, everything was started, in the first place. And a friend, instead of support, is engaged in outright sabotage.

After that conversation, Oksana seriously pouted. After all, I, such a villain, offended her in the best of feelings. Didn’t appreciate her concern. And nothing that from such care one harm.

I hope Oksana will thaw soon. She is outgoing. And draw the right conclusions. I wouldn’t want to waste five years of friendship down the drain because of Oksana’s cockroaches. Besides, she is, in fact, my only friend.

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