It was predicted that my killer would come out like this: Salman Rushdie

The knife murders two years ago Attacks Famous author after I escaped Salman Rushdie Has given an interview to a television for the first time.

Salman Rushdie was attacked with a knife in 2022 as he was preparing to give a lecture on freedom of expression in New York. The author was hospitalized for six weeks and lost an eye after a brutal knife attack. This attack on him was carried out as a result of the ‘Fatwa’ issued against him in 1989. This fatwa was issued because of his novel ‘Satanic Verses’.

His novel, published in 1988, caused widespread controversy, and the novel’s reference to the Prophet of Islam was considered insulting by Iran’s former Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Although the fatwa was later withdrawn, Rushdie remained in hiding for some time before re-emerging.

Speaking to Anderson Cooper, host of the television show ’60 Minutes’, Rushdie said that the US is facing a ‘bad time’ for freedom of expression. He criticized both styles of politics.

Rushdie told Cooper in a televised interview on Sunday that ‘there used to be very conservative voices that you would hear saying that such and such books should be banned or that they were obscene or vulgar. Hate or whatever.’

Rushdie added, ‘What has changed now is that there are progressive voices who are saying that certain kinds of speech should not be allowed because it offends this or that vulnerable group. ‘

Rushdie also tells Cooper about the day he nearly died. He told the heart-wrenching story of how he had a dream about the attack just two days before it happened.

“I told my wife Eliza, ‘You know, I don’t want to go,'” Rushdie said.

‘Because of that dream and then I thought ‘Don’t be stupid. It’s a dream.’

Rushdie is set to publish a new memoir that will hit stores on Tuesday. The book, titled ‘Knife: Meditations after an Attempted Murder’, centers around the experience of the attack in 2022.

He read excerpts from the memoir on the television program 60 Minutes, in which he shared a segment about the moments before the stabbing.

‘Out of the corner of my right eye, the last thing my right eye was to see, I saw a man dressed in black running towards me from the right side of the seating area,’ he read.
‘Black dress, black face mask. He was coming towards me fast. (like) a near-earth missile’.

“I confess that I have sometimes thought that my murderer would rise up in some public forum and approach me in this manner,” he continued.

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‘So when I saw that murderous figure running towards me, my first thought was ‘So it’s you. You are here.’

A man named Hadi Matar is accused of attacking Rushdie. He has been detained since the August 2022 attack. They were not guaranteed.

Earlier, Matar told the authorities that ‘I don’t like this person. I don’t think he is a very nice person.

He is a person who attacked Islam. They attacked their beliefs, belief systems.’

Matar’s trial, which was originally scheduled to begin in January, is currently on hold as his lawyers argue they need time to review Rushdie’s forthcoming memoir, which Can be used as evidence.

In a section of his memoirs, Rushdie addressed his assailant in vivid terms, saying, ‘Our lives touched for a moment and then parted. From that day on, my life improved. Your life is ruined. You gambled badly. I was lucky.’

#predicted #killer #Salman #Rushdie
2024-09-01 13:01:16



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