it was his son’s friend who suffocated Ana Iselda

The authorities of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), They already have identified the probable person responsible for causing the death of Ana Iselda “N”.

The body of the 54-year-old woman was found in the trunk of a FIAT vehicle.

It was said that she died from mechanical asphyxiation, secondary to suffocation, according to necropsy results.

According to investigations, her assailant likely covered her mouth with his hands and may have taken a amount close to 20 thousand pesos.

According to her son José, the victim was a housewife and lived in the Guanajuato neighborhood and on Tuesday morning she left her house to go to the Vicente Guerrero neighborhood.

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She was looking for Alexis, José’s friend and who allegedly owed them 20 thousand pesos.

After a while and seeing that he did not return, the young student sensed that something was wrong, so he took on the task of look for his mother at the friend’s house.

It was clarified that the debtor was a friend of José, son of the victim, and it was he who introduced him to his mother.

It was so that José together with his father went to the delegation of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) to file a missing person report.

During the night of Tuesday, elements of the FGE began a search operation in the neighborhood Saltillo horseshoe.

It was on Hipodromo street, between 10th and 9th where they located a vehicle with characteristics similar to those of the theft report and con placas FFY-130-A.

When checking the trunk they observed the woman’s body, a situation that mobilized the authorities.

It was reported that the probable perpetrator is still at large.



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