it was a stranger – The Time

No breakthrough yet in the murder of Sharon Verzeni that took place on the night between July 29 and 30 in Terno d’Isola, in the Bergamo area. Four weeks after the murder, the mystery of the killer who killed the 33-year-old barmaid with four stab wounds, while she was walking after midnight not far from home, remains thick. A habit, that of going out late at night, that according to family and neighbors the young woman had taken up for some time, on the advice of the dietician. There are still no official suspects or a motive for the murder, while the search continues for the knife used by the killer.

Sharon, the detail that escaped everyone. Bruzzone: She knew her killer

Yesterday, investigators interviewed other residents of the town as informed persons, looking for possible testimonies that could help give a face and a name to the culprit. An eyewitness, however, has not yet emerged and so investigators continue to sift through the images of the video surveillance systems in the area. The goal is to identify all the subjects filmed that night in the area of ​​Via Castegnate where Sharon was rescued after managing to call 118 “He stabbed me”, the young woman reportedly told the rescuers – and where she later died from the four stab wounds she received. Not all the “shadows” captured in cars, bikes or on foot have in fact been identified, and investigators are also maintaining confidentiality about the content and coverage of the cameras. The investigations of the RIS are also under wraps, as they are still examining the evidence collected at the crime scene and on Sharon’s body during the autopsy, in search of the killer’s DNA. Investigators continue to dig into the victim’s social circle, who had recently become close to the Gorle church of Scientology.

Verzeni and Scientology Meetings. The Father: A Relaxation Course Suggested

“I hope the Carabinieri find the culprit soon, but we can’t help much. We’ve already said what we know,” said Sergio Ruocco, Sharon’s partner, “but I don’t think it’s someone we know.” “It would be worse, but we don’t think so,” was the response from Sharon’s father, Bruno, when asked if he thinks his daughter’s killer could be someone they know. Sharon’s family continues to rally around the 37-year-old plumber – who has been heard several times but is not under investigation – who was found in bed at home by the Carabinieri on the night between July 29 and 30. “Sergio is calm and we are calm, sure that Sergio is not the killer,” said Bruno Verzeni, explaining that the couple “got along well” and there had “never been any disagreements” between the two.

#stranger #Time
2024-08-27 12:34:18



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