‘It was a massive human error,’ says NL Security Secretary of Debanhi search

Monterrey.- In the face of criticism for the delay in finding the body of the young woman Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazalduathe state secretary of Security, Aldo Fasci Zuazua affirmed that “it was a massive human error”, of the institutions that participated in his search and added that there are people who have not been located in 20 years.

“It is a massive human error, they were there four times and found nothing, and it is not the first time that it has happened in the searches of this world, excuse me (…) what happens is that unfortunately I was at the bottom of the water and there was no nothing to visualize, then, this alert was given by the smells, under the water the canines cannot smell”, justified the official.

They register a high rate of femicides and disappearances in NL

Faced with the citizen demand that he be dismissed or present his resignation due to the high rate of femicides y disappearancesthe command affirmed that his resignation is available and insisted that in Nuevo León no gang dedicated to the abduction or kidnapping of women operates.

Read also: “My daughter is dead, I’m upset and I don’t know what to do,” says Debanhi Escobar’s father

vare / rcr



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