It turns out that the function to tab the explorer of Windows 11 was secretly added in the latest build[Yajiuma Watch]–INTERNET Watch

It’s been revealed that the latest build of Windows 11 Insider Preview has secretly added the ability to tab Explorer.

This was found in the Windows 11 Insider Preview “Build 22572” released for the Dev channel on the 9th, and when activated using the open source tool “ViVeTool”, a tab is displayed at the top of the explorer and one window You can switch between multiple tabs and open them with. Explorer tabbing has always been a hot topic, but it hasn’t happened and could only be achieved with third-party tools, but this time it’s disabled by default, but it’s already working. Since it is in a state, it is highly likely that it will be activated at the time of official release. Keep an eye out for the next version of Windows 11 “22H2” scheduled for later this year.

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