it turns out he is the father of Russian fascism

it turns out he is the father of Russian fascism

“During the war, in our theater it makes sense to stage Russian authors only if they somehow comment on what is happening now,” explains the artistic director of the theater, as well as the creator of a particular production, Alvis Hermanis.

His message is printed in the brochure dedicated to the performance. The program was available for purchase in its entirety at the theater even before the performance, but various excerpts from it began to travel through the media even before the premiere of Black Swan. Thus, on April 10, the New Theater opened one of its new halls, which the theater acquired along with the redevelopment of the entire building.

Either immediately before the show, or even now, thinking regarding going to such a show, its future viewers can reflect on the following words of A. Hermanis: “To my own great surprise, I discovered that the message of the ideologist of modern Russian fascism Alexander Dugin is copied one into one from Dostoevsky. It was a personal shock for me that these were the same ideas of Dostoevsky. Of course, these are not just the ideas of one writer. All these ideas arose in the 19th century, but Dostoevsky formulated them. We allow ourselves to say with our performance that Dostoevsky is the progenitor of Russian fascism. No more and no less.”

#turns #father #Russian #fascism
2024-04-23 16:56:34

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