It turned out why Arina Kim is afraid of Grant

Problems began in the relationship between Artyom and Arina, more precisely, the couple already had minor skirmishes and quarrels, but they quickly passed, seemingly without a trace. After leaving Polyana I’m Grant and Kim, mutual claims began to appear every day and it became clear why Arina Kim is afraid of Grant. She feels aggression from him in her direction and is sometimes afraid to talk about her problems and experiences, so as not to provoke another outburst of anger.

Yesterday, Grant had a quarrel with Ekaterina Gorina, according to reports from Polyana, Katya was crying, Arina tried to calm her down and said that she herself lives in constant tension. We will find out the details on the sloka from the broadcasts on 09/07/2022, but if Gorina decided to go against Artyom Grant, then the man is not going to remain silent and the conflict will continue.

Arina admits that she lives like on a powder keg, and this is noticeable even on the night air of house 2 on 08/30/2022, she tries to maintain personal boundaries and leaves the conversation when she sees unnecessary Artyom’s irritability.

What is the reason for Grant’s dissatisfaction, why did he intimidate his girlfriend and she is forced to seek advice from Klava Bezverkhova and Gorina? Is Artyom’s dependence on social networks too strong? Or is it because Grant got star fever?

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