“It is selfish to say that only doctors work”

The model Fabi Martinez. @fabimartinezoficial

The model and TV figure, Fabi Martínez, spoke about what it means to be an influencer in Paraguay. She responded to several questions that her followers threw at her and took her time to answer a person who questioned why celebrities, because they are influencers, only earn more than doctors, which is unfair.

What about some professionals. If you are a professional who has no problems being able to show yourself on social networks. That’s where the possibility of being on television arises, for example. Do not undermine the work of the influencer, it is work, you have to edit photos, record, take time.

«It is selfish to say that only doctors work. We all work », answered Fabi and explained that an influencer spends her time recording, taking photos, coordinating the edition with her team and making the publications.

He said that it is not that one decides to be an influencer and that’s it. In addition to involving work, you have to be trained in marketing, in the correct use of digital tools, in taking care of your image, etc.

He suggested that influencers should also have a main job, in addition to being on the networks working with brands. She said that she has her own business and that it helps her to better understand the managers or representatives of the brands with which she works. lie correct. Being able to have my business made me grow a lot. Putting yourself in the shoes of the person who hires you helps.

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