It is proposed to limit economy booking to one year

It is proposed to limit economy booking to one year

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development Dmytro Natalukha informed regarding the work on the draft Law on Economic Reservation, in particular, on military proposals that could supplement and improve the instrument of economic reservation:

1️) economy booking – only for one year without the right to extend. That is, a person can be booked a maximum of once and for no longer than a year;

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2️) in parallel with the reservation, the employer must ensure the employment of a new, or advanced qualification or training of an existing employee who is not conscripted and who will replace the reserved person after the end of the reservation;

3️) economic mobilization – an opportunity to reserve a specialist by providing the Defense Forces with goods/works/services in the amount of the monthly cost of the reserve. Conditionally, there is an STO that needs to book 4 craftsmen – this is 80,000 UAH/month additional military charge for reservation, but the STO cannot afford such additional expenses. Then it concludes a direct contract with the conditional brigade and provides it with free services every month for the value of these 80,000 hryvnias, and in return receives the right to book these masters.

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