*Affirmed Amazonian writer Percy Vílchez Vela from Brittany where the project “Reading is power” was launched

The Amazonian writer Percy Vílchez Vela came to Brittany, capital of the Puinahua district, to participate in the launch of the “Reading is power” project promoted by Tierra Nueva publishing house at the “Héctor García Vásquez” school in said district capital and assured that it is possible to improve the level of reading comprehension of young people of school age in Loreto.

Vílchez indicated that it is not possible for a national level to read only a quarter of a book a year, that is to say that the average Peruvian does not read even a complete book throughout the year. However, he explained in one of the classrooms at the Brittany school that in previous years Tierra Nueva publishing house verified through a similar project that this negative index can be improved by monitoring the reading and comprehension of Amazonian texts.

The same writer regretted that the Loreto region occupies the last place in reading comprehension in Peru and has the shameful first place in adolescent pregnancies. “Which leads us to affirm that we are the first in the bad and the last in the good,” said the author of the collection of poems “Dweller on the Summit” which is precisely one of the books that the students will read thanks to the project prepared by Tierra Nueva and that has the advice of Gerald Rodríguez Noriega, director of the Brittany school and has the support of the Loreto Regional Government, the Puinahua District Municipality and the PETROTAL company that operates in lot 95 in the area.

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