“It is one thing to resort to a desperate measure in a government that did not offer many alternatives, and another is to make it a public and permanent policy”


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The government of President Gabriel Boric has been in charge of the country for two weeks, where the main debates have focused on the admissibility of a new withdrawal of pension funds, the extreme urgency of the general amnesty project, in addition to the questioning of certain positions who have been appointed and the eventual reform of the Carabineros.

In this context, when consulted by the meeting that the president had in Cerro Castillo last Friday, the Minister Secretary General of the Government (Segegob), Camila Vallejo, indicated in Pauta Libre de La Red that “That meeting was regarding dialogue and work, regarding legislative collaboration. We sought to have an unprecedented instance of the cabinet talking with representatives of both Houses to present the government plan”.

Also, in terms of reforms, the Secretary of State stated that one of the most important for the current Executive is the tax reformwhich was described as one of the priorities for this 2022 and that will allow promoting other government initiatives.

Fifth retirement and pension reform

Despite the fact that the National Congress approved the admissibility to debate the fifth withdrawal, from the government there have already been announcements that there will be no support for this measure.

Regarding a possible advance of the initiative, the government spokesperson mentioned that “It is one thing to resort to a desperate measure in a government that did not offer many alternatives, did not have an agenda and did not want to end the AFPs. But another is to make it a public and permanent policy”.

On the other hand, he emphasized that the inflationary situation is not due exclusively to withdrawals from pension funds and that he empathizes with demand, since withdrawing funds with a “click” has an immediate positive impact.

However, he added that “We have reached a level where it is very delicate to sustain this situation with a greater injection into the power of consumption of the people. For some it has a positive impact. Collectively, for others, it is raising the price of consumption.”

Regarding the pension reform, the minister mentioned that, although it is presented today, it requires a process that is not easy and that it takes time for its implementation. Despite this, she stressed that it is the proposal with which the current Executive campaigned in the country to end the AFPs.

Questions from Daniel to Jadue to Mario Marcel

The current mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, said that the Minister of Finance and former president of the Central Bank, Mario Marcel, had been appointed by Sebastián Piñera in the banking body.

Regarding this situation, Vallejo stressed that “He was not appointed by Piñera, he is assuming a commitment that is not easy, which is to generate the economic conditions to implement an ambitious plan”. He -Jadue- is aware of the program ahead of us”.

Regarding the position of the Communist Party (PC) before the declarations of the mayor of Recoleta, Vallejo mentioned that “The PC has participated in the construction of this program. Everything that we propose in the program are possible things to do, but the viability depends on the ability to work as a team and join wills “

Despite the words of the communal authority, the head of the Segegob remarked that the government has only been in power for two weeks and it is a “little hasty” to make evaluations of this type.

General amnesty for detainees in the framework of the social outbreak

It was the Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency (Segpres), Giorgio Jackson, who confirmed at a press point with Senator Fabiola Campillai that the general amnesty project will be given the utmost urgency.

Regarding the above, Vallejo mentioned that “It is a campaign commitment and we are convinced that it is necessary to advance changes, repair and heal wounds in a context where there have been human rights violations”.

The minister also commented that work will be done with the SMEs affected by the damage that has occurred since the social outbreak began and acknowledged that there is an outstanding debt in this area, which must be taken care of.

Police Reform

Another aspect that the head of the Segegob commented on is related to the institutional reform of the Carabineros and respect for human rights.

“It is part of the programmatic commitment. The Carabineros reform is not going to have immediate effects and we must be clear in pointing that out. There is a commitment in terms of public order, human rights and also the right to protest”, he asserted.

Regarding immediate modifications, he added that “The application of changes in the protocols and conversations is being made to see how to face the situation of the demonstrations. The use of pellets and pellets can no longer be”.

security and public order

The government spokeswoman specified that one of the main objectives of the Executive is to decisively combat drug trafficking and pursue the path of money.

When asked regarding a preparation for the Day of the Young Combatant, which is commemorated on March 29, Vallejo indicated that “I cannot advance those types of definitions, but there is coordinated work with the police, the Metropolitan Delegation and the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security to face that day.”

stressed that it is important “respect the people in the surroundings, that no crimes be committed and always act respecting the human rights of people, including those who demonstrate.”

I support Barbara Figueroa

Another event that generated controversy was the appointment of some ambassadors, where the opposition accused the government of “pay political favors”.

Regarding that, Vallejo reaffirmed that “We are fulfilling the commitment we made openly, in a transparent manner, to maintain 80 percent of nominations according to diplomatic career and 20 percent political, but also with certain political objectives”.

Finally, the head of the Segegob supported the appointment of Bárbara Figueroa as ambassador to Argentina and ruled that “We want to give signs that it exists for the first time, for example in the case of Bárbara Figueroa in Argentina, a woman in that embassy and also a union leader, vice president of International Relations of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), who has had the capacity of negotiation and dialogue at the international and national levels”.



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