It is not Pernille’s participation in the Paradise Hotel that is the problem

This is what Pernille Nygaard writes in a post on Instagram and thus puts her frustration into words. She is convinced that her past as a reality show participant is the reason why she cannot get a job in her field today, even though she is a lawyer.

“I am tired of being treated like a criminal with a tainted criminal record, simply because 12 years ago I took part in Denmark’s biggest reality show.”

“If you want to punish me as a criminal, then get a real punishment introduced as soon as possible with a stain on the criminal record – fortunately it will disappear after five to ten years”, she writes on the social media that Nordjyske has described.

The exact reason why Pernille Nygaard cannot get a job as a lawyer is, of course, difficult to say with certainty. But if her previous participation in a reality show plays a role, it is not the participation itself that is the problem.

This indicates that the industry is not managing to renew itself.

The legal and legal profession is known to be tough and demanding.

The industry is still attractive and many choose to study law. But the workload is massive, the working hours are towering, the pressure is great and stress is widespread. Diversity is also seriously lagging behind, where senior positions are dominated by men.

It is no surprise that more lawyers are choosing to leave the industry in search of better terms.

Although large law firms like to make promises about inclusion, well-being and diversity, there are still many areas where parts of the industry need to be shaken up. A good place to start could be to take a closer look at diversity.

If Pernille Nygaard’s experience reflects reality, then it is an example of the industry’s challenges.

Parts of the industry are stuck in antiquated notions of what a lawyer should be, which in practice excludes much of the talent it needs.

Diversity is about more than just measurable parameters such as gender and ethnicity. It is also about being able to accommodate different personalities – or people with a different background than the usual one.

Diversity is essential for partly making good and well-considered decisions, but also essential for being able to represent and understand different customers. And then it is crucial in relation to retention and recruitment.

But it is easier to preach fine words about diversity than to live it up in practice.

If the industry really wants to renew itself, it needs to be open to different types of talent – including those with a reality TV background. Because otherwise we risk that skilled and qualified people are kept out due to prejudices and outdated notions.

This is a leader. It was written by a member of our board of directors and expresses Nordjutske’s position.

2024-08-11 17:04:21
#Pernilles #participation #Paradise #Hotel #problem



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