It is also deleted from New Democracy 2024-09-24 12:33:57

“Why should Mr. Salmas appear on the channels and say something that has already been answered by the relevant minister? The most natural thing is, if he has any evidence, he should go to the prosecutor. When he does not agree to go to the prosecutor and this criticism continues, it is logical that he should be impeached” the secretary of the Political Committee of the ND and MP for West Athens, Maria Syregela, said earlier on OPEN’s “Greece Time” show, commenting on his impeachment MP of Etoloakarnania to the ND Ethics Committee with the question of his removal as a member of the Parliamentary Group. In addition, Ms. Syregela emphasized that “Mr. Salmas is referred because, without evidence or at least he has not presented any evidence, he enters into a logic of denouncing not only the Ministry of Culture but also in general. So, if he has evidence, in our opinion, he should go to the public prosecutor and submit it.”

Earlier, after the Ethics Committee of the party met, the Etoloakarnania MP was officially removed from the New Democracy parliamentary group. His impeachment was for anti-parliamentary, anti-party and anti-college conduct which causes serious damage to the party or another MP. In his first reaction, deputy of Etoloakarnania stressed that “if Mr. Mitsotakis deletes me because I spoke about the properties that are lost from the “red” loans, because I opposed the woke agenda for same-sex couples, because I disagreed with the way the decision was made by the staff state in the absence of the MPs, because I asked him to check the “cartels” accurately and because I pointed out the need to turn to the many, then it is my honor. But if he does it to send a message to others, it is unacceptable. If it is used as a pretext that I highlighted a photography contest of the Ministry of Culture that was scandalously awarded to a company, then let me declare and remind that the control of the parliamentarians and the unlimited freedom of speech is constitutionally guaranteed and in no case constitutes a reason for deletion”.

When asked if he would hand over the seat, he replied: “Do you think I should stop fighting for the many?” Remarkable of his intentions is that the Mr. Salmas preferred to snub the ethics committee, not apologize and just sit in the office for a minute.

Marinakis for Salma: He tries to make himself a hero

In his statements, the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, criticized Marios Salma, stressing that “he is trying to make himself the hero of bad debts, while reality disputes these complaints of the former MP”. “Mr. Salmas was not the only one who did not vote for the draft law to which he refers. He asked a question and the question was answered immediately,” noted the government representative.

“The fact that Mr. Salmas is trying to say that he was deleted for the question he asked with his colleagues is something that reality itself solemnly disputes,” he added. Explaining the reasons that led to his removal, he emphasized that “he was removed because unlike the other MPs and in relation to what the KO provides, he continued to reproduce slanderous statements”.

“There is no other ND MP who spreads slander on the channels and would not go to justice if they have a basis, there is no other MP who has addressed a question, received an answer and insisted on a television station. The behavior for which he was deleted is individual behavior that is not connected to any other behavior of a ND MP.”

Marios Salmas: Mitsotakis messages inside and outside New Democracy and the chronicle of the conflict

The fluidity that exists in the official opposition, but also in general the climate of introversion that dominates the opposition, at the same time as the government has not yet found its pace, after the result of the European elections, create “gaps” that Kyriakos Mitsotakis wants to close before creating rifts in the ruling party.

It is no coincidence that the move of the prime minister and president of the National Democratic Party it took place a few 24 hours after the question of the 11 “blue” MPs (including Salmas) and the message is clear about how those who repeat behaviors similar to that of the Aitoloakarnania MP, who, according to Maximos, had escaped a long time ago, will be dealt with . Today on the 12th, the meeting of the Disciplinary Committee of the ND is scheduled, in which Mr. Salmas has been called to apologize for what is contained in the proposal for his impeachment by the Prime Minister.

However, what burned Mr. Salma and was the icing on the cake was a series of videos with his statements that reached the hands of Mr. Mitsotakis in the US, but also his intention to follow up (without concrete evidence as they say) on the matter of the “photo contest”, as he puts it, which favored a specific company in a competition of the Ministry of Culture.

Mr. Salmas had reported the incident to K.O. of the party, asked a question which was answered by Lina Mendoni in July. In Maximou they argue that behind the insistence of the former minister is ulterior motive and not legitimate political criticism, but the truth is that the countdown for Marios Salmas had started after his direct conflict with Mr. Mitsotakis in the Parliamentary Group after the European elections, when the MP had accused the government of pursuing politics for the few, saying among other things: “”Have you done anything for the many? I have nothing to do with the ministers, because the staff state is you and your five associates, who send them the ready bills”, he said at the K.O. meeting. Mr. Salmas. “I do not accept suspicions that this government supported the few. We didn’t get 41% because we supported the few, we support the many”, Mr. Mitsotakis had replied. That day, the prime minister did not refer Mr Salma for removal, but let it slip that this was the last time such a thing would be tolerated and that criticism is welcome but there is a “red line” to everything.

But Mr. Salmas continued in the same logic, leaving spikes for speculation in the banks, targeting the finance minister, Kostis Hatzidakis, but also for increases in medicines, targeting the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis. The answer of Kostis Hatzidakis in the Parliament on the issue of “red” loans did not convince Mr. Salmas, who in an interview had commented that “you must have worked in your life to understand the citizen”. In fact, when the journalists asked him if he meant the finance minister, he had stated, without denying it, that “it is my lifestyle because I practice my profession”.

From Maximos, the answer to Mr. Salma’s claims was one: “When someone, instead of addressing the competent prosecutor, continues to repeat baseless and unsupported accusations in the same way without presenting any evidence whatsoever, then this behavior, apart from from being impermissible, it is also suspicious”.

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