“It Happened.” And the Other Inmates Threaten Him –

Questioned this morning by the investigating judge in the Bergamo prison, in the presence of the prosecutor Emanuele Marchisio and his lawyer Giacomo Maj, Moussa Sangare did not express any words of regret for having killed Sharon Verzeni. During his first confession, exactly one month after the murder, the 30-year-old acknowledged that he “regretted having done that thing”, but “unfortunately it happened, a month has passed, I can’t cry, you can’t get down otherwise you’ll never get up again”, he added, underlining that in what he did “there was also a comfort zone”. The evening after the murder, in fact, the 30-year-old attended a barbecue with friends, even before getting rid of the murder weapon, found buried near the Adda with “obvious traces of blood”, and the clothes he was wearing that night.

During the interrogation, Sangare spoke of his passion for knives, specifying that “conceptually he likes firearms more”, which he has never used, “because you can cut yourself with knives”. In the month between the murder of Sharon Verzeni and the arrest, the 30-year-old is said to have informed himself about the developments of the investigation, without ever feeling hounded by the investigators.

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Chilling details, which are added to those that emerged immediately after the arrest, such as the repeated complaints of the man’s mother and sister for violence and aggression. And which evidently also agitate the other inmates. Sangare in fact was transferred from the Bergamo prison for security reasons. The safety of the thirty-year-old who confessed to the murder of Sharon Verzeni was allegedly at risk due to some threats received from other inmates when they learned of his arrival in the penitentiary on via Gleno. Among the episodes, the throwing of some incendiary canisters.

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The change of institution also received the go-ahead from investigating judge Raffaella Mascarino. In the 39-page order with which she ordered the precautionary custody in prison for the 30-year-old self-confessed offender, she wrote that he killed “in the total absence of any understandable motivation, in a completely casual, absolutely gratuitous, not to say even capricious manner”. The judge then highlights “that the murder seems to have been committed by a subject who is often in the grip of boredom, not having a stable job, imbued with the values ​​transmitted” by a musical genre “that exalts violence, extreme sex, the need to prevail through subjugation over others”, a man who “had planned as a pastime to throw knives at a rudimentary cardboard silhouette, with a cushion on top on which a human face was drawn, was assailed by the desire to really experience strong emotions, capable of unleashing in his soul that rush of adrenaline that Sangare tried to describe, followed by a state of well-being and relaxation”. A thought, that “the existence of a young woman was cut short to satisfy motivations of this kind” that “frankly leaves one astonished”.

#Happened #Inmates #Threaten #Tempo
2024-09-03 11:27:09



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