it costs more than the new Lada Vesta

2023-04-22 15:58:39

In the line of “VAZ” classics, this model stands apart. After all, it was she who at one time became the discoverer of the line of cars of the Volga Automobile Plant. Very few of these cars have survived to this day in good condition. One of them was recently put up for sale in Russia.

An announcement offering to purchase a VAZ-2101 appeared on a major domestic classified. It is stated that the car is in the “ideal” and has a conveyor number 0000905, that is, it is included in the first series of issued “penny”.

The car went through a restoration process using 97% original parts, which brought it to almost factory condition.

The specialists involved in the return of this car to its original appearance and technical appearance tried to get as close as possible to 100% ideal in terms of restoration accuracy.

The announcement separately notes that painstaking work was carried out with special attention to all elements of the car:

“The work on the car was thorough, slow and quite time-consuming. Restoration influences touched almost every detail.

Of course, all this affected the final price of the 53-year-old car. They plan to get 1 million 600 thousand rubles for it. For about the same money in Russia, you can now buy a new Lada Vesta in a rich configuration.

This article was last edited on 04/22/2023 09:58 PM

#costs #Lada #Vesta

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