It contains poison and your stomach will ache.. Never eat this type of potato

Potatoes are among the foods that many children and adults like to eat. As its taste is irresistible and it provides nutrition to the body, so the mother is keen to buy a large amount of it to serve it on an almost daily basis with different recipes, but she must pay a lot of attention during the purchase; Because there is a type of potato that contains poison, and if eaten, it will cause the family members to feel severe pain and nausea.

A type of potato that is forbidden to be eaten

And when green spots appear inside the potato or in the outer shell, this is evidence of the presence of the substance “solanine” in it, which is toxic and will cause stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea, and therefore potatoes must be thoroughly examined before buying and before preparing them at home, because they may be intact in the markets and turns into a toxic meal as a result of improper storage.

Poisonous potatoes

Tips for buying healthy potatoes

Although the grains of potatoes are similar, there are simple signs through which healthy varieties and others that contain harmful substances can be detected. These signs focus on the outer skin, texture and smell, so you must focus well and do the following:

  1. He loves to smell the smell of potatoes well, and if they look like dirt, then they are healthy, and if they are unpleasant, you should not buy them.
  2. You must ensure that the potatoes do not have a wrinkled skin.
  3. Buy pieces that do not have dark spots or prominent cracks.
  4. It should be firm, not soft.
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The best way to store potatoes at home

  • Put it in a dry place and away from water completely.
  • Ensure that it is located in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not cover potatoes during storage.
  • If they are cooked, they should be placed in a resealable container.
  • Cooked potatoes should be discarded after 4 days of being stored in the refrigerator.

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