“It can’t go on like this”: FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki threatens to stop traffic lights | politics

He’s had enough!

FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki (70) has had enough of toad swallowing at the traffic lights – and of the ever-changing demands of red and green!

Kubicki calculates in BILD:

“The Greens and SPD are constantly coming up with new demands – that’s no longer possible. If that doesn’t change in the foreseeable future, we have a fundamental problem!”

“We as the FDP are currently defending the citizen’s income – although that goes completely against the grain for me: We are removing the incentive to go to work full-time if we allow high additional income opportunities with the citizen’s income! After all, people lose faith in the just welfare state when work is no longer worthwhile.”

“The biggest toad that we as the FDP have swallowed is that the nuclear power plants cannot continue to run until mid-2024. It annoys me to death that we suddenly don’t want to pump gas in the North Sea because Climate and Energy Minister Robert Habeck no longer wants it.”

► MIGRATION “An absolute piece of madhouse: In migration policy, we are now financing a refugee ship in the Mediterranean Sea for private sea rescue. This is completely against the interests of the southern EU countries and also against our own.”

“Ms. Esken from the SPD arrives with tax increases and property levy, dares to publicly declare that she will teach Christian Lindner that taxes have to be increased in the crisis.”

Kubicki pissed off: “It can’t go on like this…”

dr Ottilie Klein “The citizen money is unfair!”

Source: IMAGE


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