Israeli Warplanes Strike Lebanese Border Towns: Updates on Hezbollah Attacks and UNIFIL Injuries

2024-03-31 11:53:05

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that Israeli warplanes carried out raids on Lebanese border towns. This came while Hezbollah announced the bombing of the Ramim barracks and the Malikiyah site, achieving a direct hit.

The reporter explained that two raids targeted the towns of Khiam and Taybeh in southern Lebanon, while the towns of Khiam and a boat were subjected to artillery shelling.

Artillery shelling also targeted the vicinity of the town of Hula and Wadi Saluki in southern Lebanon.

For its part, Israeli Channel 12 reported that two rockets fell in the Ramim Heights on the border with Lebanon, while sirens sounded in Margaliot and Kiryat Shmona in the Upper Galilee on the border with Lebanon.

Hezbollah announced that it had bombed the barracks with artillery shells, achieving a direct hit.

Hezbollah also said that it targeted the Al-Malikiyah site with Burkan missiles, achieving a direct hit there.

Yesterday, Saturday, 4 members of the United Nations Truce Supervision Mission in southern Lebanon were injured as a result of an explosion that occurred at the border town of Rmeish.

The Lebanese-Israeli border is witnessing security tension (European)

Explosion and banishment

The UNIFIL mission said that 3 military observers and a translator from the Truce Monitoring Mission were injured as a result of an explosion that occurred near their patrol on the Blue Line in southern Lebanon. She stressed the need to ensure the safety and security of United Nations crews, saying that all parties have a responsibility to protect them under international law.

For its part, the Israeli army denied targeting any UNIFIL vehicle in the Rmeish area.

In the wake of a devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, since October 8, 2023, the Israeli-Lebanese border has witnessed an exchange of fire between the Israeli army on the one hand, and Hezbollah and Palestinian factions on the other hand, which led to deaths and injuries on both sides of the border.

Recently, threats have escalated from Israeli officials to expand attacks on Lebanese territory unless Hezbollah fighters withdraw away from the border.

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