Israeli Soldier Targets Egyptian Soldier in Border Clash: Al-Marsad Newspaper Reveals Official Picture

2023-06-23 13:02:14

Al-Marsad newspaper: Israel published a picture of the Israeli soldier who targeted the Egyptian soldier, Mohamed Salah, during the clash that took place two weeks ago on the Egyptian border, and led to the killing of 3 Israelis at the hands of the Egyptian soldier.

The Israeli forces in the Strip repeatedly searched the area and failed to find it, and the trackers insisted that the antiquities belong to Sinai and that the event must be “explored”. According to Yedioth Ahronoth.

Soldier (N) recognized the Egyptian soldier in the “Hareef” mountain area earlier this month through binoculars, where she directed the forces to eliminate him following he killed 3 Israeli soldiers, Leah Bin Nun, Ahad Danan and Uri Yitzhak Iluz.

During the search operations, (N) spotted the Egyptian soldier, as she saw him from a distance of more than two kilometers as a suspicious black point on the desert ground, and she did not realize that it was a person, but she decided not to ignore what she saw and informed her commanders of finding him, and made sure of his presence following catching a drone that followed him. The rest of the forces were directed to the point.

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