Israeli security draws bleak regional and material scenarios if “military rule” is imposed in Gaza

Israeli security officials opposed the idea of ​​imposing “military rule” on the Palestinian sector, according to Channel 11. Sources estimated that the cost of activating such an administration would amount to 20 billion shekels annually, adding 400 new jobs to the Israeli army.

In addition, 5 military divisions will be engaged in continuous operation in the Gaza Strip and will be responsible for 2.3 million Palestinians.

The budget cost estimates are basically estimates for “managing the sector only,” without “rehabilitating the Gaza Strip” in terms of infrastructure, hospitals, schools, roads, etc.

Also without establishing the infrastructure for military rule with the establishment of bases within the sector.

The sources confirmed that from a military standpoint, this military administration will cause great harm to the defense, with a significant reduction to the point of canceling the training of fighters, and expanding the scope of reserve service.

The sources considered that on the international level, imposing “military rule” would harm relations with the United States and lead to harsh condemnations and reactions from friendly and neighboring countries such as Egypt, Jordan, and the “Abraham Accords” countries, to the point of severing relations with Israel.

Aid from the international community will also be halted, as no country will agree to provide humanitarian support to the occupied territories run by the Israeli military.

The sources concluded: “The security apparatus opposed the establishment of military rule, but if the political level requests it, they will work to form it.”

Source: “Place”

#Israeli #security #draws #bleak #regional #material #scenarios #military #rule #imposed #Gaza
2024-08-31 17:36:09



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