Israeli poll: 48 percent believe absolute victory in Gaza is unrealistic

Israel – A poll published by the official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation on Friday showed that 48 percent of Israelis believe that achieving absolute victory in the war in the Gaza Strip is “not a realistic goal.”

The Authority said that the poll was conducted on Thursday via the Internet, in cooperation with the “Qantar” Institute (non-governmental), on a sample of 605 men and women aged 18 years and above, including the Arab sector.

According to the poll, “48 percent of Israelis believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s goal of achieving absolute victory in the Gaza Strip is not realistic, while 31 percent believe it is realistic, and 21 percent said they do not know.”

According to the same poll, “49 percent of Israelis supported concluding a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian factions in the current form proposed by the mediators and published in several Israeli media outlets,” while 30 percent said they opposed it, and the rest said they did not know.

The plan that the official body is talking about includes the release of about 30 Israeli detainees (women, adults and wounded) in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, including 250 accused of killing Israelis, a ceasefire, a gradual withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the Philadelphi corridor, and the possibility of returning to fighting within about 40 days.

50 percent of those surveyed said that “Netanyahu is acting according to political motives and considerations, while 30 percent of them rejected this assumption.”

The survey showed that 50 percent of the sample believed that “all detainees should be released and the fighting should be stopped, even if that means not defeating the Palestinian factions,” while 27 percent responded that “the war should continue, even if the detainees remain in captivity.”

Regarding Netanyahu’s performance during the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, 58 percent of Israelis said it was “not good” or “not good at all,” compared to 32 percent who answered “very good” or “good.”


#Israeli #poll #percent #absolute #victory #Gaza #unrealistic
2024-08-25 04:18:40



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