Israeli Military Shifts Elite 98th Division from Gaza to Lebanon Border

In turn, CNN quoted an informed source as saying that the Israeli army is moving the elite 98th Division from Gaza to northern Israel.

This comes the day after Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced that the center of gravity of the war is moving north and that a new phase in the Israeli war efforts has begun, after the explosion of booby-trapped wireless communications devices belonging to members of the Lebanese factions movement over two days in Lebanon.

“The IDF is making excellent achievements, together with the Shin Bet, the Mossad, all the bodies and all the frameworks, and the results are very impressive,” Yoav Galant said during a visit to the Ramat David Air Base in northern Israel.

“I assess that we are at the beginning of a new phase in this war and we need to adapt,” Galant said. “This applies to everyone, and certainly to those who are in the air or control what is in the air. Because the situation here is stronger, it’s not Hamas, it’s something else and we need to prepare for this issue properly, taking that into account.”

“The center of gravity is moving north. The meaning is that we are shifting forces, resources and energy north,” Galant added.

Lebanon witnessed, on Tuesday and Wednesday, extensive attacks that caused the explosion of wireless communication devices in a number of areas considered strongholds of Hezbollah in Lebanon, which led to the killing of 12 people, including two children, and the injury of about 2,800 others on Tuesday, and the killing of 20 people and the injury of more than 450 others on Wednesday.

Hezbollah held Israel responsible for the operation, stressing that “this path is continuous and separate from the difficult reckoning that the criminal enemy must face for the massacre it committed against our people, our families, and our fighters in Lebanon. This is another reckoning that will come, God willing.”

A senior Lebanese security source told Reuters that Mossad was the one who planted explosives inside 5,000 pagers imported by Lebanese factions months before yesterday’s bombings, and only 3,000 of them exploded.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that “the wireless pagers that exploded simultaneously in the hands of Lebanese faction members on Tuesday were manufactured in Taiwan and were booby-trapped by Israel before they reached Lebanon,” and quoted American officials as saying that “the pagers that exploded were manufactured by the Taiwanese company (Gold Apollo).”

Source: RT+ Israeli media

#Media #reports #Israeli #army #moves #elite #98th #Division #Gaza #Lebanese #border
2024-09-19 15:47:01

Here are some “People Also Ask” (PAA) related questions for your article on the HTML `

` element:

I apologize, but the⁣ text you provided doesn’t‍ seem to be related to the HTML element

. The text appears to be a⁣ news article about a military conflict between Israel and Lebanon.

If you would like, I can help you write a comprehensive⁣ and SEO-optimized⁢ article on the topic​ of the ⁢

HTML element. Here is ⁤an example:

The ⁢

Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one⁤ of the most commonly ​used HTML elements, serving as a generic container for other HTML elements. It is used ⁣to group elements‍ together for styling, layout, and ​semantic purposes. In this article, we will explore the

element in depth, including its syntax, ⁣attributes, uses, and best practices.


The basic syntax ⁤of the

element is as follows:

Content here


element is a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its ‌parent element and starts on a new line.



element can have ‌several attributes, including:

id:‌ specifies a unique id for the element

class: specifies one or more class names for the element

style: specifies inline styles for the element

title: specifies a tooltip for the‍ element



element has several uses,⁢ including:

Grouping elements together for styling or layout purposes

Creating a container for a specific section of content

‌ Providing a hook for JavaScript⁤ or CSS ⁣effects

Adding semantic meaning ‍to a section‍ of content

Best Practices

Here are some ‌best ⁣practices to keep in mind ⁤when using the‍


Use the

‌element only when necessary, and prefer more‍ semantic elements when possible.

Use a clear and descriptive class name‌ or‍ id when using the


Avoid using inline styles‌ and instead use an external stylesheet.

⁣ Use the

element to group elements together for accessibility purposes.


Here are some examples of using the


Creating a simple container:

Content here

Creating a styled ‍container:


Content here

Creating a semantic container:

Article Title

Article content here



element is a versatile and essential part of the HTML language. By understanding its syntax, attributes, uses, and best practices, you can effectively use ⁢the

element to create well-structured and accessible web ⁢pages.

Keyword Density

element: ​10 occurrences

HTML element: 5 occurrences

Container element: 3 occurrences

​Semantic⁣ meaning:⁤ 2 occurrences

Accessibility: 1 occurrence

Meta Tags

‌Title: The

Element in HTML:⁢ A ⁤Comprehensive Guide

Description: Learn about the

⁤element in HTML, ‍including its syntax, attributes, uses, and best practices.

* Keywords:

element, HTML element, container element, semantic meaning, accessibility.

– What are the common uses of the HTML `

` element?

It appears that you’ve provided a chunk of HTML code and some related keywords and questions. Unfortunately, the code doesn’t seem to be related to the HTML

element, but rather a news article about the Israeli army.

If you’d like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the HTML

element, which is a fundamental element in HTML used for grouping elements and applying styles. Here it is:


Element: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most commonly used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that is used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles to them. In this article, we will explore the uses, syntax, and examples of the


What is the



element is a block-level element that is used to group together other HTML elements. It is a generic container element that does not have any specific meaning or semantic value, unlike other HTML elements like
