Israeli Bombing of Gaza Health Facilities Sparks International Outrage and Calls for Evacuation

2023-10-14 05:12:34

International warnings stressed the need to neutralize health facilities in the Gaza Strip from Israeli bombing and calls for evacuation

The threats of the Israeli occupation reached hospitals in the Gaza Strip, despite international warnings stressing the need to neutralize health facilities in the Strip from Israeli bombing and calls for evacuation, due to the serious risks it poses to the health of the sick and wounded.

But the occupation turned a deaf ear to these calls, calling on several hospitals in the Gaza Strip to evacuate within a period of time that would last only a few hours.

The occupation called for the evacuation of Al Awda Hospital within a maximum period of two hours, then extended it until six in the morning this morning, despite warnings provided by the hospital administration and international health organizations.

Doctors Without Borders, in a statement published on the “X” platform, denounced the call for evacuation, saying that it “unequivocally denounces this action, the ongoing and indiscriminate bloodshed, and the attacks on health care in Gaza,” and pointed out that the evacuation process is “complicated.”

In turn, the World Health Organization called on the Israeli occupation to reverse this decision, and said that “transporting patients exposes their lives to imminent danger, as well as the lives of health workers.”

The hospital has been providing services for nearly 20 years to Palestinian citizens in the northern region, and is contracted with UNRWA.

Israeli occupation aircraft bombed the vicinity of Al Awda Hospital in Tal al-Zaatar, northern Gaza Strip, in an attempt to put pressure on the hospital and speed up the evacuation process.

Not only did the occupation demand the evacuation of Al-Awda Hospital, the occupation also targeted Al-Durrah Children’s Hospital in the eastern Gaza Strip with white phosphorus bombs, prompting its crews to evacuate in order to preserve the health of patients.

According to a reporter The fields The occupation also asked the crews of Al-Quds Tal Al-Hawa Hospital to evacuate it in preparation for its bombing.

This comes at a time when the health system in the Gaza Strip has entered the stage of major collapse, with medicines starting to run out and electricity being cut off, due to the occupation’s stifling siege of the Strip.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf Al-Qudra, confirmed in a statement for the fields“Only hours remain until the cessation of providing services in Gaza’s hospitals.”

A reporter reported The fields The death toll of martyrs who rose as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip reached 1,900, confirming that the pace of its rise is rapid.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that among the martyrs were 614 children.

The occupation “army” had informed the United Nations of the need for 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza to move to the south of the Strip, within 24 hours, at a time when the occupation is working to expand the circle of fire and its strength, using in its aggression violent concussion missiles and internationally banned phosphorus bombs.

Read also: “Associated Press”: Egypt took unprecedented measures to prevent the breach of its borders with Gaza
#Evacuating #Gaza #Hospitals #imminent #danger #lives #patients #occupation #ignores

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