Israeli arrests in the West Bank have risen to 8,425 since October 7

Palestine – The Israeli army arrested 25 Palestinians between Sunday evening and Monday morning, raising the total number of its arrests in the occupied West Bank to 8,425 since October 7, 2023.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Affairs Authority (official) and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club (Ahli) said in a joint statement on Monday: “The Israeli occupation forces arrested at least 25 Palestinians in the West Bank, from Sunday evening until Monday morning.”

With the new detainees, including former prisoners, the number of detainees since October 7 rose to 8,425, according to the statement.

Most of the recent arrests, according to the statement, were concentrated in the Nablus and Jenin governorates (north), in addition to others in Jerusalem (central), Bethlehem and Hebron (south), Tubas and Qalqilya (north).

The data on detainees since last October 7 includes those whom Israel maintained in detention and those it later released, according to Anadolu’s correspondent.

The two institutions previously reported, on Sunday, that the total number of detainees in the West Bank had risen to 8,400, following the arrest of 50 Palestinians during the Israeli army’s storming of Nour Shams camp in the city of Tulkarm (north).

In parallel with its war on Gaza, the army and Israeli settlers escalated their attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, which led to the killing of 486 Palestinians and the injury of about 4,900, according to concerned Palestinian institutions.

While the ongoing war on Gaza, since October 7, has left more than 111,000 dead and wounded, most of them children and women, in addition to massive destruction and famine that has claimed the lives of children and the elderly, according to Palestinian and UN data.

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Israel continues this war despite the issuance of an immediate ceasefire resolution by the Security Council, and despite its appearance before the International Court of Justice on charges of committing “genocide.”


#Israeli #arrests #West #Bank #risen #October
2024-04-23 00:59:34

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