Israeli army started dropping cigarette boxes in Gaza for anti-Hamas propaganda – World

The Israeli army has started adopting strange tactics to make Gazans more and more suspicious of Hamas. In one such attempt, the Israeli army dropped cigarette packs on Gaza’s Khan Yunis that read, “Smoking is bad, but Hamas is worse.”

The Israeli army has been accustomed to dropping pamphlets and handbills etc. in Gaza before operations. In these handbills, citizens are asked to vacate such and such area as action is going to be taken there.

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The Israeli military also drops handbills, or leaflets, with a phone number asking for information on the whereabouts of members and leaders of Hamas and other Palestinian resistance organizations and receiving a reward.

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Now they are trying to mistrust Hamas by giving gifts of cigarettes to the citizens of Gaza. It should be noted that as a result of the operations of the Israeli army in Gaza during the last ten months, there has been a severe shortage of food and beverages, as well as cigarettes, medicines and many other things.