Israeli Army Clash Near Al-Awja Border Crossing with Egypt: Latest Updates and News

2024-01-15 22:41:15

1/16/2024-|Last update: 1/16/202402:23 AM (Mecca time)

The Israeli army announced early Tuesday that a female soldier was slightly injured in an armed clash near the Al-Awja border crossing with Egypt.

Before that, an Israeli army spokesman said that the army opened fire on gunmen in the border area near the Nitzana (Al-Auja) crossing.

The spokesman added that injuries were detected during the clash, noting that regarding 20 suspects – including gunmen – arrived from Egypt to the border area.

For its part, Israeli Channel 7 reported an unusual exchange of fire on the border with Egypt.

Later, Israeli Army Radio suggested that the suspects were trying to smuggle drugs into Israel.

In this context, Palestinian accounts on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter) reported from Israeli media that gunmen were killed and Israeli soldiers were injured in the clashes.

For its part, the Egyptian Cairo News Channel quoted a security source as saying that Egyptian forces thwarted an attempt to smuggle drugs on the Egyptian-Israeli border.

She added that Egyptian forces arrested 6 drug smugglers south of the Al-Auja border crossing, known in Israel as the Nitzana crossing.

The shooting occurred near the Al-Awja crossing in the same area that last June witnessed an operation carried out by Egyptian policeman Mohamed Salah, which resulted in the killing of 3 Israeli soldiers.

At that time, the Egyptian side linked the incident to the pursuit of drug smugglers across the border.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies + Israeli press

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