Israeli Ambassador Controversy: Tensions between Belgium and Israel Resurface

2023-11-29 13:30:00

The ambassador reacted sharply: “I only have one thing to say: Marc Dutroux was also someone’s child. That doesn’t mean it’s OK to compare him to his victims.”

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This message sparked strong criticism even within the federal majority. For the vice-president of Open Vld, Jasper Pillen, the ambassador “cannot remain in office after these kinds of shocking statements and hurtful comparisons. Disgusting”.

“How far hatred can lead: the Israeli ambassador to Belgium compares Palestinian minors locked up in Israeli prisons with a serial killer,” added the leader of the Vooruit group in the Chamber, Joris Vandenbroucke.

For Ecolo MP Simon Moutquin, “the comments of the Israeli ambassador are extremely serious. I call on the Belgian government to summon her for these comments but also for her position outside of international law. Let us refuse the hierarchy in suffering, and let us work towards a just and lasting peace.”

Idit Rosenzweig-Abu has since deleted the tweet, “because I don’t want to disrespect Dutroux’s victims.” “But the essential remains,” she added, replacing the name of Marc Dutroux with that of the terrorist Salah Abdeslam. “What a correction!”, quipped Joris Vandenbroucke.

This controversy comes as tensions between Belgium and Israel seemed to be going down a notch. The ambassador met the Prime Minister’s chief of staff Alexander De Croo on Monday. “The interview went well and everyone was able to detail their position and their reading of the events,” wrote Le Soir, citing the Prime Minister’s office.

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Last week, the Israeli government strongly condemned the press conference held by Mr. De Croo and his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez at the Rafah border crossing, which connects Egypt to Gaza. Although both men condemned Hamas’ terrorist acts throughout their trip, the support for innocent Gazans and the call for Israel to avoid further civilian casualties did not go down well with Israelis.

These remarks also caused the ambassadors of the two countries stationed in Israel to be summoned to be called to order.

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#Extremely #shocking #comments #controversy #tweets #Israeli #ambassador #Belgium #defends

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