Israel: Settlement policy violates international law

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, according to the highest UN court. Israel’s settlement policy in the occupied territories also violates international law. Israel is in fact guilty of annexation, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague stated in a legal opinion. The opinion is not legally binding. However, it is expected that it will further increase political pressure on Israel.

This has recently risen considerably due to Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip. Israel is fighting the Islamist Hamas there following the terrorist attack in early October that left hundreds dead. The war has serious consequences for the civilian population.

Israel occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem in the Six-Day War of 1967. The Palestinians, however, claim these areas for their own state. In 2005, Israel only left the Gaza Strip, but continues to control the borders by land, sea and air.

It is the second legal opinion of the Court on Israel’s occupation policy. 20 years ago, in July 2004, the judges had already declared that the wall built by Israel in the West Bank violated international law and therefore had to be torn down. But Israel did not comply.

The report presented on Friday is independent of the other proceedings before the UN court. South Africa brought Israel before the court in 2023, accusing the country of genocide because of the attacks on the Gaza Strip. Israel denies these allegations.

Drone attack in Tel Aviv

Meanwhile, in the Israeli coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv, a man was killed and eight other people were injured when a drone hit a residential building on Friday night. The Yemeni Houthi militia, which is supported by Iran, claimed responsibility for the attack. According to the Israeli army, the drone was recorded by aerial surveillance but was not shot down due to a human error.


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