Israel-Palestine Conflict: Hostage Negotiations, Ceasefire, and Boycott Movement in Southeast Asia

2023-11-15 18:08:21

Officials briefed on the matter told that Qatari mediators today sought to allowPalestineIslamic radical movementHamasGroup andIsraelThe negotiations reached an agreement, including the release of regarding 50 civilian hostages held in the Gaza corridor in exchange for a three-day ceasefire.

The official said the deal under discussion, which has been coordinated with the United States, also includes the release of some Palestinian women and children from Israeli prisons and an increase in the amount of humanitarian aid allowed into the Gaza Strip.

This will be the largest release of hostages since Hamas broke through the border and raided parts of Israel and took hostages to Gaza.

The official said that the outline of the agreement had been accepted by Hamas, but that the details were still being negotiated because Israel had not yet agreed. It is unclear how many Palestinian women and children would be released under the deal being discussed.

The negotiations led by Qatar have undergone significant changes in recent weeks, but there have been no reports in the past that the current focus is on the release of 50 civilian hostages in exchange for a three-day ceasefire, and that Hamas has agreed to the outline of the agreement.

Qatar has ambitious foreign policy goals, has direct channels with Hamas and Israel, and has helped mediate ceasefires between the two parties before.

Such an agreement would require Hamas to provide a complete list of civilian hostages still alive.

The official also said a fuller release of all hostages was not on the current agenda.

Israeli officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment. They had previously refused to elaborate on the hostage negotiations to avoid undermining diplomatic efforts or fueling reports of what they said was “psychological warfare” by Palestinian militants.

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