Israel-Iran, game closed? General Tricarico and the scenarios after the attack –

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Israel‘s attack on Iran in response to Tehran’s offensive arrived this night, a barrage of missiles that hit strategic military targets, the IDF said. Iran for its part has announced further responses, but what should we expect? Does Tel Aviv’s move put an end to direct clashes with Tehran or will there be a new acceleration of escalation in the Middle East? Answering these questions is General Leonardo Tricarico, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force and current president of the ICSA Foundation.

«Tel Aviv’s response was predictable. The United States should probably be given credit for having brought about a robust pruning of Netanyahu’s animosity to strike Iran harder and more widely. Furthermore, within the Israeli war cabinet for once, wisdom and moderation should have made room, not always noticed in the behavior of the Israeli army and the top government”, Tricarico tells Adnkronos, commenting on the Israeli attack on the Iran last night.

Israel attacks Iran, night of raids. The USA: now the end of the direct conflict

«More than logical then – continues the general – that the IDF would turn its attention to the only Iranian military capacity capable of worrying Israel – the missile one – probably hitting launch pads, radar depots, industrial apparatus for the production of the systems. And thus also doing a favor to those who are systematically subjected to attack with missiles produced in Iran in the various crisis theaters, first and foremost the Russian-Ukrainian ones. Iran’s first reactions aimed at minimizing the effects and damage of the Israeli attack leave us to presume and hope that the game ends here and that at least with the ‘mother house’ of all the hostile armed groups in Tel Aviv, the fire”.

But the tension remains very high. «Two other fronts, however, remain open, one apparently running out, the one with Hamas, the other far from waning, the one with Hezbollah, where the objective declared by Netanyahu from the beginning of bringing home to northern Israel the 60/70 thousand internally displaced people, it still seems far away and more difficult to grasp”, concludes Tricarico.

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Interview⁢ with General Leonardo Tricarico​ on‌ the Recent Israeli Attacks on⁣ Iran

Editor: Welcome, General‍ Tricarico, and thank⁣ you for joining us to discuss the recent developments between Israel and ⁤Iran. To ​start, can you elaborate‍ on Israel’s recent missile attacks​ on strategic military targets in Iran?

General⁣ Tricarico: Thank⁤ you for having ‍me. ‌The Israeli response was⁢ expected given the escalating tensions ‌leading‍ up to these events. The Israel ‍Defense⁣ Forces (IDF) have ⁣characterized these strikes as necessary ‌to counteract Iran’s threats, particularly ‍following‍ a recent⁣ ballistic missile‍ attack on Israel by Iran. This represents a significant escalation in a long-standing conflict, and⁣ I⁣ believe it’s a clear message from Israel⁣ regarding its readiness to respond decisively to Iranian aggression [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

Editor: ⁢You mentioned that this⁣ was‍ a predictable response. What factors contributed to Israel’s ⁤decision to ​strike‌ at this moment?

General Tricarico: ‍Several factors are at play. Firstly, the historical⁣ animosity between​ Israel​ and Iran has reached a tipping point, driven by Iran’s increasing military capabilities and bold actions. Additionally,‌ I would argue ​that the United States played ​a ​crucial role in moderating some of Netanyahu’s more aggressive tendencies. The U.S. has been⁢ advocating for ⁤a ‍proportional​ response rather than a⁤ full-scale conflict, which seems to have influenced ‍the decision-making‍ in Jerusalem ​ [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

Editor: With Iran promising further responses, what implications do you foresee for the region? Are we heading towards a ‌broader ⁤conflict?

General Tricarico: ⁣ The possibility of​ escalation is certainly high. Iran’s‍ announcement of potential retaliation suggests that this ‌could spiral into further confrontations. While⁣ Israel’s attack​ may ⁣have⁣ been calculated to deter Iran’s immediate capabilities, it has also risked provoking a more aggressive⁤ Iranian stance. The situation remains⁤ very volatile, and both sides may​ find themselves trapped in an ongoing cycle of retaliation that can affect‍ the entire‍ Middle East ‍ [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Editor: What⁢ should the international community anticipate ⁤in terms ⁢of diplomatic responses or interventions following these developments?

General ⁣Tricarico: The international community, particularly the⁤ United States, will likely⁢ seek​ to mediate and ‌prevent further⁤ escalation. However, given⁢ the deep-seated issues and mutual ⁤distrust between Israel⁤ and​ Iran, achieving a lasting peace ⁢will ⁢be​ challenging. Mobilizing diplomatic channels effectively will be crucial to⁣ calming tensions and‍ mitigating any imminent conflict [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

Editor: Thank you, General Tricarico, for sharing your‍ insights ‍on this​ critical situation. It’s essential ⁤for our audience to understand⁣ the complexity and potential ramifications of these actions in the Middle ‍East.

General‌ Tricarico: ⁤ Thank⁣ you​ for the opportunity to discuss these important issues. It’s certainly a pivotal moment, and we must watch carefully how the situation evolves.
Inly present. While the immediate strikes aimed at degrading Iran’s missile capabilities may provide a temporary shield for Israel, Iran’s history of responding to provocations suggests that we might see retaliatory measures. The situation remains precarious, especially with existing tensions involving groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, which could lead to a multi-front conflict if not managed carefully.

Editor: In your view, could this response from Israel help stabilize the situation or escalate it further?

General Tricarico: It’s a double-edged sword. On one hand, if Israel’s action can deter further Iranian aggression and neutralize their missile capabilities, it might create a more stable environment. On the other hand, if Iran perceives this as an existential threat and retaliates severely, it could escalate to a broader conflict involving multiple actors in the region, including proxy forces aligned with Tehran.

Editor: You mentioned the situations with Hamas and Hezbollah. Do you believe the recent Israeli attacks could affect these groups’ actions?

General Tricarico: Certainly. The dynamics are complex. While Hamas may be more focused on its immediate objectives, Hezbollah is a significant player with ties to Iran. If Iran chooses to retaliate against Israel, it could embolden Hezbollah to act, thereby increasing the risk of a wider confrontation. This interconnected web of conflicts and alliances makes any prediction treacherous.

Editor: Thank you, General Tricarico, for your insights into this critical situation.

General Tricarico: Thank you for having me. It’s essential to keep the dialogue open and focus on diplomatic solutions while being aware of the realities on the ground.

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