isometric keys with which the whole body is strengthened

One of the best isometric to work all the core abdominal are planks. Who hasn’t done one from time to time? The seconds become eternal, the forces weaken and the abdomen burns. But this isn’t the only isometric exercise to get your abdominal wall working. To give the plates a little break you can try the L-sitan exercise that will also strengthen other muscles.

It is a fairly challenging but highly beneficial isometric for the muscles. It is not easy to master, everything must be said. You’ve probably seen professional gymnasts do it. It is not for nothing that it is considered an advanced exercise in calistenia.

How do you get the perfect L-Sit?

To be able to do it, you must get two supports that are parallel to shoulder height. It can be two bars, two boxes, two dumbbells or two chairs. With the material prepared, the palms of the hands should be placed, each one on one of the surfaces, and push down to lift the body. The elbows are locked and the legs are stretched out in front. In this way, from a horizontal view, an L-shape is achieved.

Virtually the whole body is activated

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When this position is achieved, you must find stability activating the core. The arms do not bend, the legs do not go down, the trunk is tight. You have to stay like that for a few seconds. At first it will be quite a difficult position to hold, so it is advisable to do series of a few seconds until you can maintain this isometric in L.

Doing this isometric well is not easy and along the way you can make several mistakes. The most common are rounding your back, bringing your shoulders closer to your ears, or performing the L with your legs slightly bent.

Not only does the core work

One of the main reasons that justifies the difficulty of this isometric is the great amount of strength and mobility which requires. This seemingly simple exercise focuses mostly on the core, but also engages the hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, triceps, pecs, and lats. In other words, practically all the muscles are activated. Therefore, of course, it is not only a great option to work the abdominal wall.

This is an advanced exercise that uses only your body weight so practicing it for a while will build strength across the board without the need for equipment. In addition to strength and endurance, stability and posture will also be improved. Therefore, the L-sit can help prevent back injuries.

On rings it can be a much bigger challenge

On rings it can be a much bigger challenge

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For the more experienced, when the L-sit is no longer challenging, modifications can be made to increase the difficulty. The simplest thing is to put aside any material support to use your hands. With the palms on the ground, the isometric should be performed, which although it may not seem like it, will become much more challenging in a moment. It can also be done hanging from a bar, so there is more instability when you have your hands up. If what you are looking for is the most difficult, it can still be done in rings.

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