Islamic Bank of Senegal: Internal Communications Manager Position – Apply Now!

2024-02-29 20:20:00

The Islamic Bank of Senegal is a financial institution which was created in 1982 and constituted in the form of a limited company under Senegalese law with a Board of Directors. In accordance with its statutes, the company’s corporate purpose is directly or indirectly, in all countries and more particularly in the Republic of Senegal, either for its own account or on behalf of third parties or in participation and in any form whatsoever:

  • All banking, finance and credit operations, using funds received from private or public persons;
  • The granting of short, medium and long term credit;
  • All Islamic Financial transactions according to the principles of Islam.

With the support of the main shareholders, BIS intends to contribute to the economic development of Senegal through the achievement of the fundamental objectives set out in article 3 of its statutes, namely:

  • Carry out savings collection and credit distribution activities on the basis of the principles decreed by Islam, thus meeting the needs and aspirations of a large part of the Senegalese population.
  • Offer businesses and economic operators modern and competitive banking services in compliance with Islamic requirements.

Position Objective:

The internal communications manager’s mission is to relay the company’s strategy to its employees, to support change and to promote the company’s image and values ​​internally.


  • Develop the company’s overall communications plan internally in conjunction with the General Secretary and General Management
  • Define the targets for communication actions
  • Establish monitoring of achievements and best practices implemented within other companies, banks
  • Inform employees about daily news from the bank and its environment (mailing, newsletters, internal mail, etc.)
  • Animate the content of the bank’s website on a daily basis (posting reports, videos, photos, sections, etc.)
  • Carry out satisfaction surveys with different categories of staff in order to promote professions and internal achievements
  • Develop and/or design new internal communication supports (brochure, brochures, goodies, etc.)
  • Design indicators to provide information on the evolution of the bank’s social climate (internal reputation barometer, satisfaction surveys, studies, etc.)
  • Organization of internal events
  • Bringing together categories of employees by organizing conventions, seminars and days to promote team cohesion.
  • Carry out all other tasks entrusted by the hierarchy
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Required training and experience

  • Bac + 3 to 5 in Communication, Business Management.
  • 0 to 8 years of experience in communications including three years in banking

Technical skills

  • Knowledge of personnel management tools and methods
  • Mastery of business management principles.
  • Labor Code
  • Bank collective agreement
  • Excellent knowledge of how the company operates (formal and informal), and its activities (core business, etc.)
  • Mastery of different document writing and presentation techniques (journalistic style, web writing, etc.)
  • Mastery of the main office software, in particular word processing and presentation (Office Pack, Open Office Suite, etc.) and online publication tools
  • Knowledge of desktop publishing and photo editing software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.)
  • Mastery of the main programming languages ​​used on the web (HTML, DHTML, XML, etc.)
  • Knowledge of a foreign language, particularly when the manager works within groups established in several countries

Behavioral Skills

  • Engagement
  • Awareness
  • Communication
  • Relationship Building
  • Endurance
  • Responsibility
  • Team spirit
  • Equity
  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Respect for Professional Confidentiality
  • Good Risk orientation
  • Good customer & results orientation


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