Islamabad police formulates security plan for Muharram – Pakistan

Islamabad Police has created a special security plan for Muharram, while 16,000 security personnel of police and rangers will be on duty, there will be strict checking on the internal and external routes of the city, snipers will be installed on the roofs of buildings for the security of processions.

In a meeting chaired by IG Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, a security plan for Muharram was formed.

According to the security plan, more than 16 thousand rangers and police personnel will perform security duties.

Spokesman Islamabad Police said that strict checking will be done at the entrances and exits across the city, the processions will be monitored by Safe City cameras, snipers will be deployed on the roofs of the buildings during the meetings and processions.

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Armored vehicles of the police will be specially present to deal with any unexpected situation while special attention will be paid to the timing of meetings and processions.

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All the roads and streets in the way of the procession will be closed with barbed wire, special checking of the procession route will be done before the procession starts and the bomb disposal squad will clear the procession route. And the processions will be video recorded by drone cameras.