Islamabad High Court orders immediate opening of PTI Central Secretariat – Pakistan

The Islamabad High Court ordered the immediate opening of the PTI Central Secretariat. The court while pronouncing a safe verdict also directed the PTI to make fire prevention arrangements in the building.

The Islamabad High Court also annulled CDA’s order to seal the PTI office.

The court said that PTI has agreed to make 10 types of arrangements with CDA officials

The court directed the PTI to take fire safety measures within a week, saying that the PTI had agreed with the CDA that they would install fire extinguishers on every floor. PTI will install roof fire pump, separate water tank, manual alarm system.

The court said that for the security of the kitchen of the building, gas detectors and emergency numbers will be displayed, regular electrical wiring will be done in the building.

Report of the hearing

A hearing was held in the Islamabad High Court on a petition against the decision of the Metropolitan Corporation to seal the central secretariat of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Justice Thaman Rifat Imtiaz held a hearing on the request of Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Justice Thaman Rifat Imtiaz inquired whether a notice was issued before sealing the building. On which the Metropolitan Corporation’s lawyer presented the public notices of 2017 and 2018 in the court.

The lawyer Metropolitan said that a notice was issued to the secretariat in the morning and the building was sealed in the afternoon, on which Justice Taman Rifat Imtiaz asked that the Metropolitan Corporation sealed the building by giving a three-hour emergency notice? Tell me about the emergency situation.

PTI Central Secretariat Notices to Parties on Petition for Desealing

The lawyer Metropolitan Corporation told the court that the Metropolitan Corporation can seal the building even without notice, even before the buildings continue to be sealed, then the concerned person contacts us, on which Justice Taman Rifaat remarked that if wrongly But if this happens, it does not mean that it will be correct in this case too.

Justice Thaman Rifat Imtiaz further said that if those people did not approach the court, then it cannot be justified, the regulations can be acted upon only after they are implemented, it cannot be that you Suddenly decided to sit down and go and seal the building.